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I've got some frags for sale for not too much cash. Trades also considered (I'm fond of montis lately - pics appreciated).


I'll be at the meeting Sunday and can bring them with me in case that motivates you.


Some of these are ticked from moving them around for the pics, but all are healthy and well healed after fragging.


Zoos - gold mouth, green body, silver rim, green skirt

13+ polyps - $10 PENDING BARELYCUDA




Zoos - bright green mounth, dark green body, light green skirt

13+ polyps - $10 (no, this isn't my competition frag, but it is close in color)





Zoos - Gold mouth, purple body, yellow/green skirt - Ticked off from handling.

25+ polyps - $15 Good color, fast growers!





Zoos - purple w/green mouths

15+ polyps - $10 (2 frags available BOTH PENDING CA2OR)




Green tonga shroom and 15+ purple/green zoos on one rock




Teal candy cane - 4 heads + 1 damaged but healed




Chili coral - maybe 2 or 2.5" around



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I will take the last set of zoa's. purple with green. I have ora orange cap if you are interested in trade. Also have a small green monti. Or cash.


Shoot me a pic of the montis?


To clarify, you just want 1 frag of the zoos, not the one with the tonga shroom, right? The shroom has some of those same zoos along with it.

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both of the pieces with the purple and green zoa's.




Sure add more after I respond :) I'll take the chili also.... I hope my wife doesn't see this :)


I might just add more, too! FYI the chili likes really high flow. I keep it right in front of a Koralia. It is not photosynthetic but has survived in my tank with no target feeding for well over a year.

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