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finch6013's 34g solana build


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I started building a stand for the 34g solana that is on its way.

This is the first stand I have ever built and it came out really good. I am super stoked to get it all set up.

A few pics along the way.... I forgot to take a pic of it finished and painted but when I bring it home to set up I will post more pics of the final result.


The frame. Tank will sit 36'' at base



Pic just after getting it skinned



After trim



After finishing the door and just before sanding and spakle



I finished the stand with a semi gloss black and it came out looking really clean. Specially for a first.


More pics to come as I get the tank and the rest of the goodies(rock2)

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This is at my parents house and they grew a lot of garlic this year that is out drying or something.

Unfortunatly I have no room at my place to build anything.


I really wish I would have taken a pic of the finished stand. I was tired and forgot. Once I get it home I will have more pics

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It looks like christmas moring around here. The pic only shows the first minute of me rippin boxes open like mad.


And the tank filled up with the 250w sunpod



It will get placed in its final spot once I get the 75g out of here and get the stand brought over. For now its on the floor

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B--It made it...obviously it didn't arrive busted!! Congrats...! Corals are in and opening and bathing...Your giant green acro lost a 3" arm, but all else is well...I'll mount the arm...


How are you going to pick that tank up with water in it? Just couldn't wait...OK, get it cycled and we'll get your babies back to you...



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