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Coppersafe dosage question


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I have a PBT in quarantine currently. He had mild ich when I recieved him, so I dipped in a Formalin bath and the next day he looked great. Followed up two days later with another bath but now he does not look so hot. Couple days go buy and he looks worse. Today I bought some Coppersafe and dosed the tank he is in. It is a 55g. The directions say 1 tsp for 4 gallons so going slightly on the safe side, I added 12 tsp. Waited a couple of hours and used a Salifert copper test kit and it says the level is over 2. My understanding is that a safe dose is supposed to be around .25. What gives? Has anyone on here used Coppersafe? What was your experience?


Couple of things. The Formalin was done outside the tank. There is nothing in the tank with the exception of a piece of pvc. I had been running a skimmer but took it off line today when I dosed the copper. I am currently running an airstone in the tank. The fish has been eating a sheet of nori soaked in garlic each day.


Any help would be appreciated.



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well what i use is a copper from walmart god i cant get the name but ill get it to you i use that on all my fish it kicks the ich like next day and i usually leave them in there for about 2 weeks but i do water changes every 2 days. now keep in mind bt are ich magnets so no worries about that i would say to do just do normal water changes every 3-4 days and just keep the water moving in the tank. and keep doing the nori what my pbt when i qt him the formula 2 cubes with garlic i gave him once a day and he loved them i got alot where do you live ive got the copper stuff and the cubes from my pbt i can give you them.

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Thanks for the offer. Ubnfortunetly, I woke this morning to a dead fish. I am quite irritated as we went to great lengths to properly care for it. I am fairly sure it was the copper that did him in. This is even more frustrating as I followed the instructions.



powdertang, how long have you had your powder blue?

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o for like 2 years but i had to get rid of him whne i moved to a different appart so i got a 40 and a pbt needs alot mopre so bye bye. they are hard to take care of but once you get them eating they never stop and mine got sick again when it was getting bugged by the yellow but after he/she figured out they were like twice the size bigger he was back to normal. but best of luck if oyu get another i bought him small like 2 inches great fish didnt get him sick or hurt so it was awesome.

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