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How much light for Super Blue Zoanthids?

Hog Head

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I have my Super Blues at the top and they don't seem to be doing so well. They don't open much and I have even had 2 or 3 polyps detach themselves. How much light do these guys like? Do I need to move them down towards the bottom?


Thanks, Gene

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Do you have pic? If they are what I think they are I have heard they like high light high flow. My experience hasn't coincided with this though. I would need to see pic to see if we are talking about the same thing. Or a good description

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Do you have pic? If they are what I think they are I have heard they like high light high flow. My experience hasn't coincided with this though. I would need to see pic to see if we are talking about the same thing. Or a good description


I have a bunch of pics. I will see if they are in one.

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Do you have pic? If they are what I think they are I have heard they like high light high flow. My experience hasn't coincided with this though. I would need to see pic to see if we are talking about the same thing. Or a good description


There they are. Right above the fire and ice. You can see where they detached on the right side.

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I would think that is low light. I have a 250w MH which I blame for the melt. I would imagine you should be fine. Maybe just move into more flow. This could be a tough one though. Hmm....(scratch)


They are epoxied in, but I'll try to move it. As you can see, the rest of my zoos are doing great. Except for the fire/ice, they all started as tiny frags with no more than about five polyps each. I feed phytofeast and oysterfeast.

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Mine are on the bottom of a 75g tank with 6x54w T5 TEK light. They have gone from 10 polyps to 25+ polyps.


You said that you have PC lights, they should be fine under those. Just increase the flow.


Eric- did you melt down that last polyp I brought you too?


Jody, glad to see that yours are doing well. That pic looks great!



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No idea....everything seems to be doing just that though. I found a fungia not too long ago that was about the size of a thumb tack head (snowpunk will most likely have a better idea of how long ago) anyway now it is the size of a quarter and there is a new one growing in also. Pretty nice looking it is green with red stripes.

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Mine are on the bottom of a 75g tank with 6x54w T5 TEK light. They have gone from 10 polyps to 25+ polyps.


You said that you have PC lights, they should be fine under those. Just increase the flow.


Eric- did you melt down that last polyp I brought you too?


Jody, glad to see that yours are doing well. That pic looks great!




chemistry teachers put the cation in education.



Last edited by dsoz; 07-27-2009 at 08:56 AM.






I have two Koralia 1's for flow. Would there be too much flow if I swapped out one of the 1's for a 4?

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