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How is that 20k working out?


I think we are going to move to something that's a little less blue. The 20k seems to really wash out some of the blues in the corals. I'm having the same problem with my 150. the bulbs I have in there are extremely blue and they are making some of the blues in my tank look kinda brown.

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How do ya keep the camera from focusing on the glass and not the coral? I get lucky sometimes and I post those pic's but 95% of the time I battle with the unfocus isue.


I had a hard time with it too till I figured out manual focus. I'm not sure if that is how she did it or not but that's how I do it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

OK so after my husband downsized from 4 huge tanks to 1 big tank and my nano, I said NO more tanks. Well guess what I did? Yep bought a bigger Nano tank. I bought a 26 gal bow front. Now I have more room for my zoa garden and the seahorses will love it. I'm very excited it will be my first saltwater project. I will post pics as soon as I get it cleaned up and put in place.

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be careful, it's a slippery little slope. If it wasn't for my girlfriend(wife) hating how much time/money I spend in this hobby and letting me know it regularlyDOH!, I am sure I would have tanks in every room and a store out of my garage by now!(plotting)

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How do ya keep the camera from focusing on the glass and not the coral? I get lucky sometimes and I post those pic's but 95% of the time I battle with the unfocus isue.


I have not tried it because we just upgraded from a point-and-shoot to a DSLR that has manual focus. But I have heard that if you switch the picture mode to "landscape" (looks like a mountain on the dial), it will focus on things that are further away, and not on the closest thing available. Anytime you want to shoot through glass you can use it. Even if the subject is 6 inches away. Try it and let me know how it works.



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I'm getting ready to start a RO build that will let me have enough water on hand to do 100+ gallons at any given time. This is step one in the plan for getting a BIG tank some day. I figure if I slowly pick up the stuff I need for it, at some point it will just be the logical thing to do:p

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I'm getting ready to start a RO build that will let me have enough water on hand to do 100+ gallons at any given time. This is step one in the plan for getting a BIG tank some day. I figure if I slowly pick up the stuff I need for it' date=' at some point it will just be the logical thing to do:p[/quote']


That is how COReefer did it. I finally gave in when he agreed to only have one tank in the house.

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How do ya keep the camera from focusing on the glass and not the coral? I get lucky sometimes and I post those pic's but 95% of the time I battle with the unfocus isue.


Might be old news now but,


See if your camera has an option to change from normal metering to spot metering. Spot metering is a little easier to get to focus at a specific point. You may also be able to lock the focus by depressing the shutter half way. If so then you can focus on an object the same distance away as your trying to focus and then swing the picture you want into view to finish clicking the shutter. Both of these are dependent on the particular settings available on the camera though. Another tip that isn't camera dependent is to make the room darker to remove any glare from the glass.

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so any idea when you guys are heading down? You should be hitting up Aquaticus before they close their doors. They are selling corals at some pretty low prices just to get them out.


Yeah what dan said. soon I hope.


Here are more pics as requested







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