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What happened to my zoa's in my sand bed?


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Here is what they looked like 1 week ago



and here is today




Nothing bad happened, I moved them onto my rocks to allow more access for my sand sifting star and my new addition, a horseshoe crab via Garrett. He is quite small but was having issues with getting around all my rocks. Let's hope this works for the benefit. I noticed quite a few colonies had started growing onto other rocks so by moving them onto the rocks maybe they will spread faster(plotting). I also added a Korillia 1 on opposite corner of return to create some alternating flow. Any other suggestions?

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Are you running any sort of GFO? I've been thru cyano, thats what it looks like. You don't have even a quarter of the problem i went thru. I kept up on WCs, and i still do 15gal weekly which equates to about 20%. Syphon it out each water change. Make sure you use RO water and that the filters don't need changing. Run some GFO.


Yours is a small enough outbreak that in a few weeks you could kick it doing the above.


The bubbles you need to figure out where they are coming from. Skimmer? Hole in the return? Something is causing them.

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Is it new sand? when I put my sand a tank or put more in my tank that is low the sand always turns red coated with bubbles then it goes away in a month or so. ive had it happen in all my tanks. even the ones with the metal halide light and the t5.

The other time it happens is when my tank has a temp. changes. light changes as well. its your tank way of adjusting. it should go away soon.. no worrys

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I was told the red algae outbreak was normal for a new system. Not sure of the exact cause though. I had assumed it was related to the water itself since others mentioned it occurring when tap water was used however the above posts have me second guessing that. (I know CA2OR didn't just set up his tank, not sure on the tap water) Anyway I had the same outbreak that lasted a couple of weeks when I set up my first tank a few months ago. When I swapped tanks I had it again however to a much smaller degree and it only lasted a couple of days.

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Watch your power heads with the horse shoe crab...they tend to swim around and get stuck on them...I got one thinking it would help in sifting as they burrow into the sand, he lasted about a week ..and everyday I had to take him off the powerheads....was cool to watch him, but he always swam up and would get swept away with the current, bouncing off rocks etc.. I would look into a few conches maybe....they burrow into the sand and will get those bubbles. they are like little vaccums ! also cool to watch

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Horseshoe crabs will get very large. 20" or so across. I kept one for about a year until it started knocking over my rocks.




I was told that this is dependent upon the specific species. I haven't done much research to verify it though. FWIW, I've had mine for a couple of months now and I can't see any perceptible difference in size from when I first got it. (Fingers crossed hoping it will stay small)

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