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Red Chalice for sale


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I have this red chalice colony for sale. I bought it from a guy in Seattle. It was sold to me as an unnamed Watermelon chalice. Call it whatever you want. I am done with chalices as they don't seem to do well with the light in my tank. The colony is about 3.5" round. When I first got it it had fairly bright pink eyes. As you can see from the photo it still has a small hint of pink in the eyes but it has faded a lot. Maybe somebody who is better at keeping LPS can get the color to come back? It has a nice flourescent green edge on the new growth. This edge only currently exists on about half of the circumference of the coral because the other half is not getting any light where it sits in my tank. I paid $175 and would sell it local for that price. If you want it let me know by Saturday afternoon as it goes to reefcentral if nobody wants it around here. Call 503-330-4772. Call me as late as you want.





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I know the price is expensive but that is exactly what I paid and these chalices can get pricey. It is pretty big so it could definitely be fragged if somebody wanted to recoup some of their money. It has grown down over a piece of rock, if it was a flat piece it would be over 4" X 4".

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