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Not real well. You want the super glue gel. You could use regular superglue but you'd need it to pool up a bit so you can push the frag into it. And then i'm not sure what it will do once it hits water since i haven't tried it. I think it would need to dry outside the tank, and then you are risking the coral being out of water for a period of time.


Perhaps someone who has tried it will chime in.

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I thought you were going to deliver it? The kind of super glue I sell here at the shop is thick cyanoacrylate 700 cps' date=' not the gel.[/quote']


Whats the bottle or tube size on that cyanoacrylate?


I am having to work while all the shops are open. If you want it come and get it, if not no big deal someone will take it.

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I use The thick superglue. Put some on your finger' date=' smear it on the rock, Put the coral in the glue and roll it around and twist it till the corall attaches to the glue. It is hard to explain and take a little getting used to, but it is the technique I use. Learned it from leroy at garf[/quote']


this technique is for in the water?

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This is the one I use



For underwater I make a ball on a toothpick,dip in water, keep adding to it., then scrape it into a crack or small hole. Put the same on a frag then twist underwater they will adhere to each other. Dont use to much or it will look bad, a little practice and you wont be able to see the glue

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This is the one I use



For underwater I make a ball on a toothpick,dip in water, keep adding to it., then scrape it into a crack or small hole. Put the same on a frag then twist underwater they will adhere to each other. Dont use to much or it will look bad, a little practice and you wont be able to see the glue



Same here(rock2) Stuff works great. You can get it on ebay cheap or I have bought it on group buys on other boards. The group buys were the way to go. I have bought it at Waves and Upscales also.

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10 three packs of what Troy? I got my gel glue from Seahorse 9 bucks for each I think.


Benny READ my post. When you stopping by again? I will return that overflow. I need to clean up all my tank stuff. I have to much stuff. Someone said in a post we are hoarders, he was right, at least with me he was(nutty)

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Yeah Troy I think you have too much stuff, may be you can throw me a few powerhead that you have (naughty) we talk about it once I get there. I take a vacation next week. Will be up back in pdx around June 10, I will give you a call. Maybe I will plan to stop by Steve house also (plotting)

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