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Jase's 60g cube build


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So after a while having the 120 gal tank (4x2x2) I decided to switch things up again, and to go smaller (scratch). I got a great deal on a cube setup (2'x2'x2') from Bob (Lowman on the board here). I really didnt have to do much with the tank from when I got it from Bob, just cleaned it up, painted the back, and transferred over livestock. (clap)

The tank is an acrylic cube, with a closed loop system, and the tank looks to be an envision, but I do not know for sure (Bob, correct me if I am wrong). Stand is very sturdy, and is almost identical to the starfire cube stand that is going up right now.

For the CL pump, I am running a Reeflo Snapper 1242417454234.jpg

By jaseadams, shot with NIKON D70 at 2009-05-15

Lighting, I have a 14k 250w with spyder reflector, powered with a PFO ballast. 1242417363159.jpg

By jaseadams, shot with NIKON D70 at 2009-05-15

Return pump, I am just running a little Rio 3100 that seems to be working just fine.

For the skimmer, I am running my AquaC EV 180, since I was very pleased with the results on my 120.

Fitting everything in the sump was tough, but I managed to squeeze it all in, even with a tiny refugium!


By jaseadams, shot with NIKON D70 at 2009-05-15



As for livestock, I have :

An Emerald Crab, Sand Sifting Star, Red Linkia Star, Regular cleanup crew of Snails and Hermits of various types.


3 Percula Clowns


By jaseadams, shot with NIKON D70 at 2009-05-15

Wrasse (ID please?)


By jaseadams, shot with NIKON D70 at 2009-05-15


By jaseadams, shot with NIKON D70 at 2009-05-15

Flame Angel


By jaseadams, shot with NIKON D70 at 2009-05-15

2 Coral Banded Shrimp


By jaseadams, shot with NIKON D70 at 2009-05-15

Cleaner Shrimp

Peppermint Shrimp

Purple Back Pseudochromis


By jaseadams, shot with NIKON D70 at 2009-05-15

And will be adding a Blue Hippo Tang once I go grab him from Jason at CRPC

Pink Spotted Diamond Goby (aka Grandpa)1242416574145.jpg

By jaseadams, shot with NIKON D70 at 2009-05-15


The design of the tank and rock-layout is so it can be viewed from all 3 sides, and give a different effect on each side.


By jaseadams, shot with NIKON D70 at 2009-05-15


By jaseadams, shot with NIKON D70 at 2009-05-15


By jaseadams, shot with NIKON D70 at 2009-05-15


By jaseadams, shot with NIKON D70 at 2009-05-15


From the right side, I have my Ricordea garden, 1242416796986.jpg

By jaseadams, shot with NIKON D70 at 2009-05-15


By jaseadams, shot with NIKON D70 at 2009-05-15


By jaseadams, shot with NIKON D70 at 2009-05-15


By jaseadams, shot with NIKON D70 at 2009-05-15


By jaseadams, shot with NIKON D70 at 2009-05-15

on the left side I have my zoos(mostly),


By jaseadams, shot with NIKON D70 at 2009-05-15


By jaseadams, shot with NIKON D70 at 2009-05-15


By jaseadams, shot with NIKON D70 at 2009-05-15


By jaseadams, shot with NIKON D70 at 2009-05-15


By jaseadams, shot with NIKON D70 at 2009-05-15


By jaseadams, shot with NIKON D70 at 2009-05-15


By jaseadams, shot with NIKON D70 at 2009-05-15


By jaseadams, shot with NIKON D70 at 2009-05-15


By jaseadams, shot with NIKON D70 at 2009-05-15

and from the center I have my RBTA, clams, mushrooms, and other misc corals.


By jaseadams, shot with NIKON D70 at 2009-05-15


By jaseadams, shot with NIKON D70 at 2009-05-15


By jaseadams, shot with NIKON D70 at 2009-05-15


By jaseadams at 2009-05-15


By jaseadams, shot with NIKON D70 at 2009-05-15


I am not doing many SPS in this tank; I just have not caught the bug yet on their coolness I guess. Just sticking to more softies for now....



And that's pretty much it! Still have some final rearranging of stuff, and some stuff is yet to open up from the transfer, but I will try to keep updated with pics and all.

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  • 8 months later...

I think his tank is a 72X18x28! It's a nice tank! He has had it a Fowlr tank and is wanting to get into reefing!! Great tank for sure! No Scratches very clear and looks way bigger than 150! I have a 210 and his looks bigger than mine! but mine is thicker! You should do it!! His lady loves coral and honestly I think she does most of the maintenence! Lucky dog!! LOL!! Now she wants corals!! I hope you guys do it! Then you both get what you want!!



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