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I don't know if you guys heard about this but you have to see it to believe it


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This strait pisses me off. I can't believe that they would do this. What if the person had died, then what? I am trying to get into law enforcement, it really makes me frustrated that it's darn near impossible to get in, especially with the economy how it is, but then you find out about people like this that shouldn't be a public officer.

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Downhill, I have had 2 family members that passed all fases and then told "we can't find any thing in your past, not even a speeding ticket" "that makes us worried". I also have 5 friends & family in law enforsement. They all have rough attitudes, show little respect to those they have dealings with. I would love to see someone make it into the field that remember why they wanted it in the 1st place. I have met "1" officer that I do respect and feels show everyone he has contact with the way I would like to be treated.

NO I don't really think thier unions are doing us or them any favors. Here in PDX if you hit a police car "You" can be sued by the officer indpendantly of the forse. If they hit you ... you can't sue them! YES they are above the law! Yes people die! No most never hear of thier antic's. I share many "I" personallly witnessed.

Off the box now.... sorry

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Remember when the motto of the force was "To protect and serve"? I have some very close friends that are policemen and Deputy Sherrif's. But I gotta admit, 20 year vetren or not, that guy deserves to be FIRED. He more than crossed the line and its as though cops just get slapped on the back of the hands these days. It's a job and he violated company policies and put a citizens life in jeopardy because of his negligence.

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Remember when the motto of the force was "To protect and serve"? I have some very close friends that are policemen and Deputy Sherrif's. But I gotta admit' date=' 20 year vetren or not, that guy deserves to be FIRED. He more than crossed the line and its as though cops just get slapped on the back of the hands these days. It's a job and he violated company policies and put a citizens life in jeopardy because of his negligence.[/quote']


Well Said(enforcer)

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I have several family members in law enforcement. My father is a sheriff, one uncle is chief balliff for county, other uncle is Idaho State Patrol, grandpa was Idaho State for 20-some years, and retired, then worked US Marshalls for many years, and now is retired from both, and grandma is secretary of court for county.


All were in Idaho, in same county, and deal closely with eachother. All are top notch, fair, honest, cops that do their job and try to help everyone be as safe as possible...although my uncle mark (baliff) accidentily fired his gun in courtroom one day...not during court, just showing someone the gun trying to sell it. he caught heck for that, but deserved it after putting a hole in the courthouse roof.


i just think that it is insane that people still get away with being "dirty" cops. this guy wasn't "dirty" just was frustrated and made a bad choice. i can only imagine if someone was swearing at him and he had a tazer or gun. shoot first ask questions later....but she had a foul mouth....

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You might also consider Fire Protection. It is much easier to get into and you are not seeing the worst of humanity on a daily basis.

My daughter was being shown a fire engine by EFD and when they were through I said, "Thank the nice police officers, dear". You should have seen thier faces (flame).

This strait pisses me off. I can't believe that they would do this. What if the person had died' date=' then what? I am trying to get into law enforcement, it really makes me frustrated that it's darn near impossible to get in, especially with the economy how it is, but then you find out about people like this that shouldn't be a public officer.[/quote']
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She did have a foul mouth. And needs to have it washed out with soap. Im sure it's part of her normal day to day vocabulary. But on the flip side, she was in a very high state of panic and fear. But he is the "professional" and has a duty to uphold while he is on the clock. Rather than taking the language personal he should have at least found out what the problem was. He took it personal and decided not to help the little missy because of her potty mouth. And then on top of it all, when she runs down to the police station to get help, he arrests her for a non justified crime which doesnt exist...........oh WOW!!!!!!!! can you say LAWSUIT!!!!!!!! and then can you say $$$$$CHA CHING!!!!!!!!$$$$$$

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It's too bad that there are law enforcement officers actually believe "I am the Law", rather that following and upholding it. Policies and procedures within the Department need to be addressed, rather than looking the other way. I believe that according to the report against any Law Officer, they should be subject to undergo mandatory and unbiased psychological and drug tests. I feel that the majority are truly in the force "to protect and serve" us, but all should still be accountable for their behavior.

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Nicely put!!!!

It's too bad that there are law enforcement officers actually believe "I am the Law"' date=' rather that following and upholding it. Policies and procedures within the Department need to be addressed, rather than looking the other way. I believe that according to the report against any Law Officer, they should be subject to undergo mandatory and [u']unbiased[/u] psychological and drug tests. I feel that the majority are truly in the force "to protect and serve" us, but all should still be accountable for their behavior.
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It's too bad that there are law enforcement officers actually believe "I am the Law"' date=' rather that following and upholding it. Policies and procedures within the Department need to be addressed, rather than looking the other way. I believe that according to the report against any Law Officer, they should be subject to undergo mandatory and [u']unbiased[/u] psychological and drug tests. I feel that the majority are truly in the force "to protect and serve" us, but all should still be accountable for their behavior.



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I think its time for him to move on he has gotten displacent who knows what he'll ignore next time I have seen many video's of cop's keeping there cool when a idiot is cussing them out and still get there job done, time for the city to pay up and for him to lose a job.

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I didn't know they made that much money. I also found it disturbing that the guy actually took it personal. You have to understand working at that job that people call in stressed out, emotional, and typically panicing. How can you hold anything against them?

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