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Close call won’t the tank


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So as some of us maybe stuck at home be extra careful when working on your tank. 

As a good reminder to people when doing work on your sump and taking it offline, make sure your tank has enough surface agitation for gas exchange. I started adding a baffle to My sump last night to make a refugium and didn’t ensure enough surface agitation, when I came down this morning I saw my yellow tang struggling to breath and 2 other fish at the surface trying to get air and a few others moving around the tank extremely slowly. Luckily after realizing what was happening and why (took only a few seconds to think what could cause it) I moved my gyers to the surface and after about 15 min everyone seemed like they were back to normal. 

I know some people may say you could just bring the sump back on but I was waiting for the baffle to dry and the sump was drained for this and the rodi hadn’t finished making enough water for it yet (incorporating a 30 gallon water change while doing this).

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Yikes - good catch. Sometimes I catch things I've done and just have a 'wow, i'm an idiot' moment. So many of the issues are self-inflicted wounds in this hobby. Like turning everything back on after a water change. I have to go through each switch on the apex and make sure it's done like 10 times. Super OCD.



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