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Wii Stuff


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OMG' date=' my nephew has one, it's so much better than any other video game EVER! I hate how with other games your just sit on the sofa and wiggle your thumbs, but with Wii you really get into the games[/quote']


problem is, when im drunk and wanna play some games, i dun want to have to wave my arms all over the place. :P


or when i really get into a game, and play for a couple hours, that would get so tiring, and annoying IMO

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I have one also. I got it for my daughter for Christmas ok ok you caught me I probably play the thing more than she gets to but that is why kids have bedtimes right It is quite fun although the day after I got it I wasn't so sure. Those sports games can take it out of us poor lazy people. The games are definately more interactive I guess it all depends on what you are into but I think more parents will be buying there kids these things than the other game systems just so they feel better about there kids being inside all the time playing video games. I can't wait for the next evolution where you get gloves and boots and really get into the games. I am sure it will be in the works as soon as the game companies sit down and look at how much more popular the wii is than the Playstation 3 which is way overpriced in my opinion.

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Got one a while ago, awesome system. I don't care if the graphics are the same as the game cube, it doesn't really bother me. Good luck trying to find one though...they've been sold out everywhere pretty much. You just got to know how to look for them if you want one real bad.


I've played zelda, rayman, and wiisports. Rayman gets played out real fast, and was really easy...don't get that. Rent maybe...


I'm waiting for mario kart and smash bros....now, that's gonna be something worth getting. Hopefully i don't smash someone's head in when I get pissed off from losing. =)


I recommend covering your tanks when playing if the tv is near it.


Wanna know how I got my wii....www.itrackr.com(fish)

ssshhhh, it's a secret...the system is not the hard part to get....it's the [language filter] accessories.

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Fred Meyers gets there shipments on Fridays and if you can go by in the morning they get them almost every week. That is how I got mine. There were sites online that said when the major stores were getting their shipments and they always put them out on Sunday but I found out they come through Fed Ex or UPS or one of those companies which means they are obviously delivered during the week and then I found out that Fred Meyers puts theirs out when they get them and that is usually on Friday morning.


Mario Kart 64 is available for the virtual console now.


The only one of the games that you mentioned Miles that is available for download right now is Super Mario Bros. If you go to wii.nintendo.com it has a list of all the games that are available right now. They just released Donkey Kong Country this week. I haven't downloaded it yet but have both the old Zelda games, Super Mario Bros, Mario 64, Street Fighter, Sonic, Dr Robotnik(It is a cool tetris like game) and a few more. The only other game I have bought that wasn't downloaded was Wii Play which just came out and comes with another controller free in the box. It was about the only way I could find another controller for the thing. I think I end up playing on the thing almost as much as I work nowadays.

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Ohh Miles I forgot to mention that the thing is Wi-Fi compatible so it can connect directly to the wireless router if you have your internet set up that way.


Now thats cool! Thanks for the info on the dl games. Zelda and super mario bros would keep me busy for a month or 2 (laugh) I might have to start hunting for a Wii now!

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