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Eugene area meet & greet!!


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Was wondering how many southern members would be interested in getting together for an hour or 2 someplace in town. Meet up on a saturday or sunday at a restaurant or something.



Another thought would be to do a tank tour. Pile as many ppl into a couple cars and hit up 5 or 6 local people's tanks.



Lets get some action going down here, the Northern folks don't like us enough to include us (laugh)

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This is true. Northern folks are wierd. Instead of walking forwards, they walk backwards. Instead of saying "Hello", they say "Goodbye". When they wink at you it means that they are about hit you.

I'm on!



Lets get some action going down here, the Northern folks don't like us enough to include us (laugh)

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Is there away to get this posted into another section? Because non-members can't see this. Or, do we want to keep it for paying members,only?

I'd be in favor at an eatery or micobrew establishment because frankly there are people who have posted as wanting to do this that are notorious crack users and I would prefer to keep them away from my house, child and pets.

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As a former crackuser...now coral addict, I love the idea of a tour!! I would be willing to have everyone meet here at my house then we could go to Rlaforce's who lives not even a block away, then while we are here algae can see if the company that shows are allowed to come to his funhouse and then we could cruise to newfishers, and then oxx155's and then make our loop to siskyou's and/or tidalsculpins if he still has his solana but I think he is selling it and going nano, and then we can get impur on the wagon too!! What do you think? What day would be good to do it?




Is there away to get this posted into another section? Because non-members can't see this. Or, do we want to keep it for paying members,only?

I'd be in favor at an eatery or micobrew establishment because frankly there are people who have posted as wanting to do this that are notorious crack users and I would prefer to keep them away from my house, child and pets.

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