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Posts posted by 503reefdroid

  1. I need some help with setting up the proflux4. I've been trying for 2 days and it won't connect to the app and I cannot get it set up. I've watched all the videos they put out, but theirs works easily and mine doesn't. So if anyone has experience and is local to Portland, I could really use some help. I would really appreciate it 🙏

  2. Does anyone want leather corals I have some frags that I can't trade at a lfs? Willing to part with all of the devils hand leather if someone wants it. 20191017_132136.thumb.jpg.d34b6127952ca10018f3fdb88f998440.jpgBig brown devils hand leather is the mother.20190916_144836.thumb.jpg.a83e10dc3af62763a74c5b1715fbb82c.jpgI have 2 small frags like this. 

  3. So I have a cherub angelfish in my tank that is kind of becoming a bully fish. This is the most aggressive I've seen the fish act. I added a very small sailfin tang today and the angel just wants to kill it. Ten minutes of them in the tank together and the sailfin tang has a damaged fin. Ive tried to net the angel to let the tang swim free, but can't net the angel. Anyone else have trouble with cherub angelfish becoming aggressive? 

    That pvc is 1.5 inch diameter 



  4. I just started my first tank back in January. And so far everything is going good. But I've hit a point where I wish I would have set my tank up with a sump. Also I wish I had a bigger tank. Haha I'm sure everyone has been though those things. 

    I have a red sea max e170 tank.


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