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Posts posted by eclipse522

  1. After a few issue, I now have a working temperature controller. The wiring diagram on the control is misleading. Luckily YouTube had the answers. The total cost is about 40.00. Probably could have been a little cheaper.8434b85a6768d2507a7148dbca316c5e.jpg


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  2. So, for a while the tank had a big bacteria bloom but has resolved on it's own. I have two soft corals, macroalgae, and a snail living in the tank. I have to move the light up more on the tank, the macroalgae does not look to happy. I will be adding a rock flower or two to the tank next weekend. I sill need to add more rock and macroalgae. The second picture is the refugium.





  3. I am going through with the diy temperature monitor. The stc 1000 will be deliveried on Wednesday. All i need to get is a project box, cord connecter, and a corded plug. By next weekend, i will hopefully have a working temperature monitor. With a little more research, I did find out there are replacement probes out there. I will post a picture of the finished product.

  4. I would love to get in on this growout. I would also like to know how to prove that I am all in for the contest. How much will it cost to get into this growout?

  5. I was doing a search for temperature monitor and I came across a diy project.  Youtube has a videos on how to create your own temperature monitor. It looks easy and cheap enough to do. My question is has anyone every made this temperature monitor? I worry that the saltwater will corrode the probe. Can I splice in a different probe as needed or is there a way to protect the sensor that comes with the monitor? Here is a video. 

    I think I will try this soon.
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  6. I finally got tire of looking at my empty 55 gal tank and keeping my quantine tank running. I was keeping my starter substrate in the quantantine tank. On may 31, I filled the tank. As of yesterday, my tank appears cycled. I am using two hob filter for water movement because i had two sitting around doing nothing. They may or may not stay. For lighting, I have one older reefstar hunging over the tank. No return pump yet. The plan is to go skimmerless. This build will have lots of macroalgae, some soft coral, and a small amount of rock. I am going to get some kind of controller. I am going to get another apex jr or a temperture controller with a switch power strip. Leaning more towards temperature controller and switch power strip. This will be one big experiment.

    Most of the rock will be in the sump/refugium. The sump/ refugium is 30 gal tank. The refugium is mostly for ph stability. I decided to add a cryptic zone to the sump. All the rock will be in the cryptic zone. I am still trying to figure out how to make a blackout lid. The water will first enter the crytic zone, then move to the refugium, and into the return section. The flow into the sump will be slow but i am not sure how slow.

    The macroalgae will be first. I need to get the temperature under control. When the tempature is stable i am going to add soft coral and maybe lps. My current heater heats the tank higher than I want. It might be awhile before I put fish in the tank. The issue is that I want to try to grow out algae first and I am having a hard time deciding on the perfect fish. I really want to add fish that are found in lagoons. The tank will be lightly stock, so i most be very picky. I will add pictures when I am feeling less lazy.

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