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Posts posted by Robyna_baby

  1. I would basically like to test out a few experiments in classes but maybe get your feedback on the design and practicality of them in a classroom setting. My goal for tank for teachers is to have the kids learn specific things, not just admire the tanks.


    I thought the easiest things to start with would be the growing of specific types of algae under different conditions. Two identical tanks with identical equipment but different variables such as photo period, amount of nitrate, and amount of phosphate. There are several combinations that could be done there. They can involve biology and some chemistry.


    It can have different levels of difficulty and involvement, and because it is algae, the time period would be quick and the same equipment could be used to do several experiments.


    It can be as easy as setting up the tanks on Monday, one with a nitrate 30, one with a nitrate level of 100. Leaving the tanks alone for two weeks to let the algae grow, then coming back in two weeks and seeing what the nitrate is now to see if an elevated nitrate makes algae grow faster. Then weighing the algae to see how much more or less was grown under the different conditions.


    It is not very sexy, but I think it could spark a little interest and would be an easy place for teachers with no experience to start. It also requires minimal equipment and expense is very low to create the kits.


    And if one of the kids pours something bad in there i.e.. Mt.Dew or Gatorade the only thing they are killing is algae lol.


    Sounds like an awesome plan and so cool that the club is getting more involved with the educational stuff :)

  2. b4d8f5788ac7bb969f7757db9d52127f.jpg


    Phone pic. Still recovering from the move



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    It still looks so good!! I really was worried about everything on move day.. Now Im mad cuz it still looks better then ours! Haha jk glad it is doing good!!

  3. As wife of your VP I've done my best to stay out of this childish mess that has become the club but I feel I must throw in my two cents.


    First of all, Micah hasn't changed. He was a smart a*s long before he was elected by this club to represent it as VP. Does he rub some people the wrong way? Sure. Do some people need to learn a sense of humor. Absolutely. I've watched the threads on this club go from entertaining, fun, informational and community based to boring over the last couple months. Certain people seem to have sucked the fun right out of it.


    Speaking of community - a lot of these same people don't seem to show a good sense of it. Consider the last two meetings and who attended. There were no giveaways like that well attended one down south. So you had board members, their families, a few other well known active members and a few new folks. (Chris and Robyn are awesome people by the way.) Hmmm... so no chance of free stuff and low attendance. Coincidence - I think not. The chance to get to know YOUR COMMUNITY apparently isn't enough for some of you. Hoping the meeting at TPA this month proves me wrong.


    Ok. Back to my husband and our weekend. Since getting admin privileges to HELP dig this site out of it's mess, I have barely seen him anywhere but in front of his computer. This needy pregnant wife gave her husband up for the good of this forum. Since Friday night I honestly don't think he's left the house. He's spent more time working on this than anything else this weekend, getting beat up for it and slandered by an ungrateful group of individuals yet he still plugs along. It was beautiful out this weekend. I would have loved to go on our weekly hikes. Didn't happen. He was even up passed 1 am last night / this morning (on a work night) so not to take the site down for maintenance during a time the community would be active.


    Also, let's not be so quick to forget that my husband is constantly helping people out on this forum with apex stuff etc. He has given tons of stuff away to help people out as well. Crap... he even went to ChrisQ house to work on his tanks when he was in the hospital.


    And did he jump ship so quickly? Heck no. He didn't purchase another site until 9 days after the forum was still down with the intent of giving the community a place to go in the event that PNWMAS didn't come back. This isn't 1992. Sites down this long is extremely unacceptable and unheard of these days. It really looked like it was gone for good. And he didn't do this with malicious intent or alone. If you've spent the hours reading through this juvenile crap you'll see others throwing their support for him and this site he was developing.


    Once he was finally approached to help all talks of another site vanished. It was no longer necessary.


    Sorry this is so long. Didn't intend it to be this way. I'm just pregnant, emotional and sick of the beating up of my husband who is the best man I know. A man who would do anything for this community.


    Take my opinions for what they are - simply my opinions and a little insight being so close to this horrible, slandering, evil man (that last part is sarcasm for those that don't know.)




    Yay - post #1!!!



    You go girl!


    Seriously people let it go and be thankful for where we are at now and let's move forward!


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