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Posts posted by ChrisQ

  1. Closed (To note the skeleton)










    It's starting to really look like some sort of a hammer, a wall to be specific. Can it be id'ed as a wall this small just from the shape of the tips? The tip are starting to glow a yellow/gold color.



    If it is indeed a hammer of some sort, that will be a bonus being that this thing just popped up from a zoa frag that the zoa melted away from. :tongue:  

  2. I'm starting to realize the small amount of live rock that i have for my new frag system might not be good enough, plus what i planned on adding along the way.  :doh:  


    Total system volume is approx. 112g


    Filled on 3/8

    Transferred fish/coral 3/10


    Parameters: as of 3/18 10:00am

    SG. 1.025





    Running carbon,Purigen and Phosgaurd with a very undersized skimmer for the moment.

    I put the Phosgaurd in just last night and was very hesitant. Removing this morning.


    Fish bio-load:


    s/m Yellow tang

    Lawnmower blenny

    x2 Springari Damsels

    Six line wrasse



    Problem is i don't really want rock in the main tank (only one large piece of Tonga branch is going in and its dry) and the configuration of my current sump doesn't allow for much rock.


    I only have about 15-20lbs in there right now and adding more as i chisel it down to size from bigger rock that won't fit in the small chambers.


    The bigger problem here is i'm essentially robbing Peter to pay Paul by starting to take rock from other running tanks that really need it.


    So i'm desperately seeking some softball sized pieces to get into these compartments well before i get any spikes.


    Here is the sump (Back & side compartments are 5'' wide)



  3. This is what the damage from AEFW's looks like..... Tiny bite marks. 


    You really need to get some pics as soon as you can.






    You can see a live one here...






    Anyway, if you have AEFW, you'll know it! Good luck hope you get it figured out quick.


    Google is your friend

  4. Certain test kits work better than others with Cupramine.


    What kit are you using? The most reliable is the Seachem as far as i know, makes sense since they make it. 

  5. Got it installed then realized i don't have a 2nd apple device after all   :rolleyes:   :laugh:



    Thanks for the share though.

    Scratch that!!



    I'm not sure what just got me fiddling with this again but i got it working! I don't need 2 apple devices after all. I must have missed something the 1st time around.


    Old iphone duct taped to the wall  (at the end of my frag tank) temporary of course   :laugh:

    and running AtHome Camera on my computer in the next room.


    works great! You'll be surprised what your fish will do when you're not looking. I was just watching my Yellow tang swim around like a Flounder under my acrylic frag racks chasing my six line around.

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