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Everything posted by Justjohnny86

  1. Hey all. I haven't posted in some time but I have a question regarding Dimethyl Sulfoxide and it's potential interaction with my reef system. I am looking for a storage drum for mixing batches of salt water and I found a guy on CL with a couple for sale. Upon inquiry about what was stored in the drums, he informed me that the plastic is food-grade and that they were used to store DMSO, which I googled and determined to be the aforementioned dimethyl sulfoxide. I looked into it's potential interactions but only found an article regarding toxicity in a certain solution on males of a certain freshwater species. If DMSO remnants ARE harmful, I'm curious whether I can adequately clean the drums to dilute any existing chemical in them to within a safe range because, frankly, the price is right. If anyone has any insight into this matter, I would greatly appreciate it! -Johnny
  2. Okay, so I grabbed a 55 gallon aquarium to build my sump/refugium and I just want to verify something...On the tank, it reads "Do not drill." Is it tempered all the way around or is that just one of those "warranty violating" warnings? I certainly intend on drilling the tank. Thanks!
  3. So I have a question (as I'm planning my sump design): What is it with 40 gallons? I seem to hear about them relatively often and even Noobtosalt mentioned them being "hidden" from reefers during petco's sale...I'm debating a 40 vs 55 and I'm leaning toward the 55 for 1) increased effective volume and 2) only $15 more. Is this a sound line of reasoning?
  4. Well this is absolutely great news! I'll drive down to petco tomorrow :-) Go team.
  5. Hey, thanks for the update! I have been waiting for this special deal to replace my 40-gallon sump; however, upon review of petco.com, I do not see anything indicating the fabled "dollar per gallon" sale event I have heard so much about...
  6. Hey, I checked out alibaba.com the other day and contacted a supplier. He responded with a pricing list of their LED products and whereas I am generally inclined to go for the more expensive items (having been conditioned to believe they are superior), I am curious how much of a difference there could possibly be. I personally cannot discern any useful data from this list beyond the lumen rating--which I've been reading isn't actually a very useful figure at all--but maybe someone with some insight can...[ATTACH]12653[/ATTACH]
  7. Well, there is a canopy now that reefsickness setup. I have no preference.
  8. No...Center overflow dead center in the aquarium.
  9. No...Center overflow dead center in the aquarium.
  10. Extremely insightful, AqusticEngineer! I am much obliged. I suppose the only question I have left is whether the aquarium having a center overflow makes any difference to light configuration. I suppose I would rather have a little overlap and make sure there aren't any unintended shade spots. Is this notion applicable?
  11. Also, AquaticEngineer, congratulations on the new business! I am very interested in this project and whereas I have background as a reactor operator/electronics technician, I have been out of it some time now. My point being that I catch on quick but I am relatively lost as of now about the particulars of this endeavor. As I understand it, you have the LED and you mount it in some lens apparatus. The driver is some kind of power supply that goes between the wall socket and the LED assembly, which is mounted to an aluminum heat sink, which has a fan accompanying it to blow generated heat away from the sink and the LED. Is this accurate? Is it possible to get a single driver to power, say, four 50 watt LEDs? Also, would four be a bit much in a 36x36x30 reef cube? I have seen par ratings as well. How exactly does it come in to play and is it easy to control for? It seems like it's normally distributed and tapers pretty rapidly from the center-point. Furthermore, when it has been mentioned that an individual could use a giant piece of aluminum, is that to suggest that it would suffice to take some sheet aluminum (to provide as ceiling structure) to mount these babies to that perhaps had a fan or two to blow across the top of it for heat removal?
  12. http://www.alibaba.com Reefsickness, you mentioned that you went there. I just checked them out and I'm curious if anyone has ever ordered from them before...I sent an inquiry but I've never dealt with them personally, so I guess I'm just a little apprehensive.
  13. Hey, guys. I'm just wondering what ever became of this project! AquaticEngineer, that looks like the perfect alternative to both inefficient metal-hallides and expensive made-to-order LED setups! Edit: Disregard my comment.
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