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Posts posted by stephanie

  1. You need to convince my man that we should do this!!!  We are building a new house and I really want the tank in the wall like this, but he does not. 😪 

    Yours looks great! Can't wait to see the finished product! 


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  2. I have had the mirror trick work in the past, but I have also had it fail it depends on the fish. I have an orange lined kole tang that tries to bully a hippo tang that is 3x's the size of him, but the hippo just chases him for a half of second and the kole swims away. The kole is really odd he HATES my lawnmower blenny. 

  3. Sounds like a great menagerie of tangs! I hope to put a couple more in, but we will see how it works out. I have a 55 gallon drumDo you a  of rock waiting to go in the new tank when ever I get it. 😃 Do you have pictures up of your tank? I just saw something on cuttle fish. I live in Redmond so it is quite a drive for me, but next time I am in Portland I will definitely be checking them out!

  4. I currently have a 180 6'x2'x2', I am wanting to got to a 4'x4'x2'. Do you think that the Tangs will have enough swimming room? I plan to put the rock work in the center so they can swim around it.  As of now I have a large hippo tang, Good size blonde naso tang, yellow tang and a few other fish.

    Thanks in advance for your input.



  5. I am looking for a "240" cube. 4'x4'x2' glass. I'm not looking to switch over until spring, so not in a hurry. I would like to have a plan and a budget. 😃  Glass cages had a decent price delivered, anyone get any of there tanks before? The front and sides will be low iron, I'm not sure if I want the overflow to be dead center of the tank or on the back wall. Thoughts? 

    Also I have a couple of large tangs, will they be able to get there "tang swim" on in a 4' tank? I plan to have rock work in the center of the tank so they can swim around it.

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