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city hunter

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Posts posted by city hunter

  1. I honestly haven't seen anything out of the norm for the few softies I have and between the 2 hards, I have some plate thats actually improved a bunch, and then I think I bleached part of this random hard coral thats grown like a mound. on one side from too much light. I turned the led up about 15% awhile back.


    I'm wondering if I should trim the chaeto back to a small amount, and turn the light down to maybe 5 or 6 hours a day.  instead of the 16? I could also do a very small lanthium dose to get phosphates down more. I've never had dino. I have had some cyano issues in the past, but upping the flow took care of most of it. I still get a bit of buildup over a few days on the glass, the rear wall is always got some random looking stuff along with coraline. I do get this weird purpleish maroon hard algae on the rocks. It doesnt seem to grow on the plate coral though.

    I will look into dosing nitrate, but I run a high bioload in my tank so I figured It would be a issue.

    The only weird thing is that big rbt anenome moved and hit in a hole in the back of my tank. Do you think nitrate and phosphate issues could have caused this? It hasnt moved and has sat in front of my return pump spigot for a year...

  2. Do you get any food left in the return pump of your sump? I went with glass up top, mainly to help with some water control, but run a open sump I would have given the sump thing a try, but never even thought about how well it works. I was just going to feed on top of the mesh since the pellets fall through. I'd still have a nice carpenters wrasse most likely with mesh. I imagine it probably wouldnt have broken its back.

    I use some amazon clips that clip onto the side of my rimless right now and have some super custom piece of glass I made that fits great around the trough, but not the trough itself.

    I travel from work sometimes over a month at a time and have everything automated with a friend to refill my ato now and then. Main reason I went with the glass top.

    I'll look into all 3 solutions. I swung by seahorse today and picked up a nice blue star leopard to replace my pintail that I have had for a year. So far the mystery wrasse and flame angel haven't harassed it much which is nice. They picked on the big pintail a bit. I was suprised it stayed out for about 45 minutes before going into the sand. I call that a win :)

  3. So recently I lost a blue spot jawfish who jumped through my ehiem auto  feeder trough. Apparently yesterday my pintail wrasse decided to jump through the same thing. Honestly I have no idea how it made it that far, but it was a good 3ft from the 1.5x3 hole.

    I'm done with this stupid feeder trough and wanna do a full mesh covering instead of the class one I have no with the cut around for the trough. 250 fish in a month is enough for me. It's so frustrating. Currently I've lost 2 pearly jawfish before the lid, then I lost a carpenter wrasse that broke its back jumping into the glass. He lieved about 2 weeks, but couldnt swim right, then the blue spot who made it through the feeding hole twice, and now the pintail I've had for a year 😕

  4. nitrates are lower then phosphates. running close to zero nitrates, phosphates are .1 to .25. Thats one calculated dose of land and just chaeto in action. I have not done anything else. it is a big change for sure. I didnt think it would go that fast. after the dosing I still had nitrates. I'm guessing the extensive lighting on the chaeto has done the rest.

  5. I just wanted to update. I think I can actually toss some coral in now if I want. I'm seeing some plate coral I had making a comeback in random spots. I still get algae build up, but it doesnt seem bad.

    My last testing was phosphates between .1 and maybe .25 It's really hard to tell when there is almost no color. I think my nitrates are about non exhistant. For reference, here are my tests over the last 2 months. Pretty [language filter] impressive.

    I've grown a entire sump of chaeto twice now. I actually need to harvest again. I will say the stuff is fantastic for bringing those little long skinny starfish and bristle worms. I dont mind either. I believe I only ran one treatment of lanth. I think I was thinking about a second, but never did it. I would like to get my nitrates up just a tad. I may up feeding just a little.

    This is in a 42g cad light with a 20ish gallon sump. Running a skimmer 50% of the time. I also have rock in my sump with the chaeto. It has 3 good sized midas blennies, mystery wrasse, pintail wrasse, flame angel, 3 jawfish, a tailspot, and until recently one suicidal blue spot jawfish and a poor bi color who got into a powerhead while it was off and then it was on...

    I'm very happy with the results of the lanth along with the chaeto. I was running the sump light 24 hours a day and no im down to around 16.

    I think I will start dosing iron I believe it is for the chaeto? Is there a good trace elements supplement I can add now and then for this?

    Here are my tests over the last 2 months.
    nitrates below 100, above 50
    nitrates 25
    phosphate 1
    11-10-23 pre lanth
    ntitrates 25-50
    Phosphates 1
    11-11-23 post lanth
    phophates .25
    nitrates 0?
    phosphates .1 to .25

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  6. I ended up going with the iv bag, did a drip about every 4 seconds. calculated for 50 gallons so 5ml mixed with a full bag of fresh rodi water.

    I used a 4 micron filter stuck hanging near the return pump. Used a small return pump from a aio I had and pumped it into the filter sock and put the drip in the filter sock.

    So far so good. I checked phosphates this morning and they were somewhere between .25 and .03 That color gradient is hard to tell for me.The fish are all fine. The softies seem ok. I think I will do another dose. probably just 1ml to see if I can bring it down a bit more. I need to get a alk test to see whats going on with that. I've been tossing some 2 part bionic in the tank over the last few days as I think the ph is a tad low, but My old hana checker probably needs to be recalibrated, maybe even a new probe. one of these days. It's showing 7.5, ro is showing 9.3 and tap is around 8.5


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  7. 7 hours ago, Eatfrenchfries said:

    Lanthanum Chloride can be too effective on phosphate saturation. Drip slow. Does work very well.

     Never had a problem with Seaklear.

    I do have lanthanum chloride in powder form. I can offer some to try or dilute it for you.......if you're okay with my math. 


    Another carbon source is propylene glycol. It's quite a bit stronger. Works great for my reef projects. 

    Wish I had seen this earlier. I ended up ordering some agent green. From a calculator im looking at. It's 5ml for 50g to lower around .5. I figured I would use a dosing pump to do it over 24 hours into a 10 micron bag. I'm thinking I will run a spare pump that pumps water into the bag into my sump instead of trying to run it into my return. Do you think I can get away with setting up a slow drip vs a dosing pump? I'd rather not have to buy a dosing setup, but I will do what needs to be done.

  8. I tried it for a bit, but decided to stop. I wasn't really seeing results.  I've since added a baseball size poiece of chaeto about 20 days ago, and running the light 24/7 on it, and the thing is now about 3/4 the size of a basketball in the sump. About 5 days ago I tossed a small return pump in the sump to get better circulation and that seems to be helping a lot with growth. I'm not sure if that api ammonia kit was a false poisitve. I know they arent great. I also had a small pearly jawfish disappear after adding it. I figure it died, but it's the second small one I have lost. I must have one hell of a cleanup crew as I never saw any body and no jumpers. I have a fully enclosed lid. Anyhow, I just started checking phosphate today. I also did a dose of 2 part for the heck of it as I've had it forever when I bought a used tank. I think my phosphate explains some issues with some of the coral dying off and others not quite as happy as they use to be.


    I'm actually impressed with how fast the chaeto has taken down my nitrates. They were above 100 before the first test after a 20 gallon water change as well.


    Here are my tests
    nitrates 100
    ammonia .25
    nitrates below 100, above 50
    nitrates 25
    phosphate 1


    I think I wanna try lanthanum soon. I've been reading a lot. It looks like I need to run good flow though a filter 10 micron filter sock to capture the bound phosphate/calcium and slow dose it into that sock.

    My question is, should I get the seaklear, or try agent green which I believe is just dilluted more?

  9. they are fun. Love the tang story. I dont think I've ever seen one  move frags around lol.


    That had me thinking, about 20 years ago, I had a midas blenny who would take any hermit grab near his hole in my 75g and send it to the other side of the tank.

    Then I remember when my fancy new big radiant wrasse, sucked down my cleaner shrimp and was swimming around the tank with its tentacles hanging half a inch out of its mouth.

  10. Looking for a 250w SE metal halide setup. Needs to be a actual fixture and not a retrofit. Preferably something electronic, but if you have some ol equipment laying around let me know. I wanna change it up for a bit and see if I like it better then the leds im running over the winter.

  11. We all have them. I have a highly populated 42 gallon cad lights peninsula from memory. 20gish sump. I run it very heavy on fish. 3 midas blennies from big to medium big to medium, 2 pearly jawfish one smallish one bigish, a fat bicolor blenny, a fat tail spot blenny, a decent sized mystery wrasse, a pintail wrasse a bit bigger then him, and a flame angel. possibly 2 small pearlys still in the tank hiding somewhere, but I doubt it.

    It's a heavy populated tank, and by far has cracked me up the most is my flame angel and my mystery wrasse. They will have constant sessions of floating sideways together trying to gain dominance over territory all over the back of the tank. Both of them seem to think they own the back half of the tank. There is no chasing, but they flare up and float sideways to each other. I gotta say, that flame angel is a spunky sob. the ol mystery puts up a good fight, and is 100x the bristleworm eater that my sixline is. Oh yeah, I have a sixline in my sump. Withing 5 minutes of putting my myster in my tank which had a ton of bristle worms "which honestly I didnt mine" it had one in its mouth.

    My new favorite interaction is with this midas I got from a owner who was breaking down his tank. Recently, he likes to swim into my crappy little frag rack, and rest halfway through one of the holes. The first time I saw this I thought he was stuck lol.

    I also have the small jawfish who literally covers his hole with a rock at night. I think mainly because the fighting conch's bulldoze that corner of the tank every day lol.


    what are your goofy fish interactions with each other?


    as im writing this, I just realized my pintail wrasse has dug a hole under my magnet cleaner which I left on the bottom left of the front of the tank and is sleeping there. this tank never seizes to amaze.

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  12. I'm going to start dosing pretty soon. Well if I dont polish off this vodka first.  I think I'm going to start with vodka, but the diy nopox sounds interesting. Is anyone adding the denatured alcohol, or just sticking with vinegar and and vodka.

    I really need to start getting on top of my nitrates. I'm pretty sure it's up around 90ppm I need to retest. I lost some random lps that came with thye life rock I bought when I started the tank last january. It has a heavy bio load and I feed heavy. I have no plans to change it.  My softies are doing great, same with sponge, some monitpora is doing alright, I did lose some lps, but I cant think of the name at the moment. gsp is also rediculous. I was battling cyano, but increased flow in the tank and thats basically been keeping it in check. 


    I need to start a refugium, but for now I think I will start dosing.

    What does everyone prefer and why? I dont keep hard to keep corals btw.  I'm leaning towards vodka as its in the house, but kinda wondering if I should just start with diy nopox instead.

    I think I need a vodka cran.

  13. 25$ 6 line is probably 2.75" I've had him since january. nice and healthy. I wanted to add a mystery and I knew they were gonna fight so I moved him to the sump. He's been living there for the last month, and I'd like to move him out. I also have a large colony of branching gsp 55$. and a decent sized and smaller frag of purple plate sponge trade that were fragged a few months back.

    Looking for easier interesting corals preferably easier stuff. Wouldnt mind a green toadstool or something. I dunno, zoos, shrooms, whatever. I havent had any disease go through my tank either.

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