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Everything posted by Mitchell

  1. All the "worms" seem to lead back to one central point. I know its hard to see in the picture and me circling parts of the worms probably didn't help.
  2. I bought some xenia on a little rock tonight and when I brought it home I noticed something weird on the rock. They are brown with black stripes, about the width of a hair and the longest ones are about an inch long. They seem to move around on their own, so I don't think its some kind of crazy algae. What are they?
  3. Wow, thanks for all the info MVP. I'll make sure to contact you once I am ready to start. Thanks again, Mitchell
  4. Hollywood has a pretty cool Australian epaulette shark in their show tank. A couple years ago they also had a black tip in what looked to be a 300 gallon tank. The poor thing only lasted a couple months. OK good. I was worried I caused a argument, I am glad I didn't.
  5. That's why I am looking at getting a shark that grows to a maximum of 18" not 4 feet. I had no intention on getting into a big discussion. Keeping sharks is a very touchy subject and everyone has their own opinion, which is great. That's all I am going to say.
  6. Beautiful corals, I would buy some if my tank was older. Why is the color on the green bird nest frag so different than the mother colony? My green bird nest frag has the same coloring as your frag.
  7. Nope the odyssea bulbs are T5 also. I am using the same fixture, just switching bulbs. I am running the blue+ for normal hours, but I am only running the aquablue and purple+ for 4 hours. Each day I'll leave them on a little longer. Does this sound like a good strategy?
  8. Is there anyone locally breeding Banggai Cardinalfish? I am looking into breeding them for a school project. Any info on what I need to start breeding them would be very helpful.
  9. I have bought plastic many times from Tap's and they never charged me to cut it. They didn't even charge me when I had a 25 cent scrap piece cut.
  10. I just remembered that my new ATI t5 light bulbs are coming tomorrow. I am currently using two 12,000k odyssea bulbs and two actinic odyssea bulbs. I am switching to: 2 ATI blue+, 1 ATI aqua blue and an ATI purple+, so its a change in both par and spectrum. Do I need to acclimate my coral and clam to the new light bulbs, or do I just run them as normal.
  11. The instructions only show me how to put it together, tell me how to start the siphon and say that it takes about a day for it to break in and that's it.
  12. I turned it down to the lowest setting. My parents would kill me if it overflowed, thanks for letting me know. Is it normal for them to skim for a little bit when you first put them in and then stop?
  13. Still no head of foam. I see a little piece of nori floating around in the skimmer, could that be the problem?
  14. I lost all my head of foam. Now its just hovering at the bottom of the cup. I have had it turned up all the way, so I can't increase it.
  15. Toilet water for water changes gutter water for top offs.
  16. I set up my skimmer today and the cloudiness is all gone
  17. I do (rock2) ! My eshopps psk-100h came today. After about a 15 minutes of being set up it started producing a little bit of skimmate. I have no idea how high i should set it, but I included some pics of what I have it set at. Also if anyone has a psk-100h or psk-75h tell me because I have a specific question about it.
  18. No not yet, BRS sent me faulty parts, so I am waiting for them to send me replacements.
  19. BRS is sending me replacement parts for my reactor I should have my gfo/cabon reactor set up this week.
  20. Ok I tested my calcium and it is at 560. I looked in my log book and Thursday when I last tested my calcium it was at 600 not 580 like I first said. I have never dosed calcium, or anything else. The tank has been cloudy since Thursday morning. I added a bag of Reefpods http://www.marinedepot.com/AlgaGen_Reefpods_Copepods_Food_8oz_Liquid_Fish_Coral_Food-AlgaGen_LLC-GV00005-FIFDLI-vi.html Tuesday, when I added my clam. They were in live phyto and I poured the whole bag phyto and all into my tank just like it said to do. Do you think this could be a phyto bloom? The water is not green, it looks like there are tiny white particles in the water. Everything is alive and well in the tank. I'll post pictures of how good my clam looks once the main lights come on.
  21. OK guys my tank has been set up for six weeks. I added a bunch of fish food to start the cycle along with a bottle of bacteria from westside. I fed the tank as if I had fish in it every day and after two weeks my tests stopped showing ammonia and nitrite and started showing nitrate. I then added two clownfish and there was no spike after adding them. I added my yellow tang and gramma two weeks after that, I tested my water daily after I added them and there was no spike. I had westside and upscales test my water a few days after the tang and gramma, just to make sure my test kits were accurate and they said all was good. I have added a torch coral, candy cane coral and bird nest coral in the weeks after the tang and gramma. This Tuesday I added the infamous clam. All of the animals I added are doing great. The tang got over his ich two days after I noticed it, the clam is doing really good and my bird nest coral has actually grown since I got it. After you guys told me how bad it was that I was adding stuff to my tank I stopped and haven't added anything else, so I guess you can "beat sense into people". I tried canceling my clam order, but it was already too late, so I didn't insist on keeping the clam I was forced to. I ordered my protein skimmer before I set my tank up in early September from westside, but Tim had issues getting it in and last week he finally told me just to order it online, which I did. The skimmer came here Thursday, but had a crack in it, so I was forced to send it back. My replacement skimmer should be here Monday. I can't just trade my clam for a skimmer because I have already payed for one. And besides I did a lot of research on what skimmer to get and I don't want to settle for something else. I just tested my water for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate and they are all 0 I'll do the calcium test tomorrow. I do weekly 12% water changes, and I am due for one tomorrow. I am sure I only put fresh in my tank for top offs. I have green algae growing on my rocks and plenty of coraline growing on snail/crab shells. I feel really bad that I have put these beautiful animals lives at risk, but I am doing the best I can.
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