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Posts posted by batchelor

  1. does anyone out there have any halimeda algae in there tanks. it grows like a weed in mine and i'm not sure if i like it or not. everything i read about it says it's a good thing, but it's starting to become a pain.


  2. thanks douglas! i had a great time. it was cool to meet everyone, especially all the eugene/ springfield guys. thanks to the sponsors too, i was lucky enough to leave with an awesome sps coral! yeah! as well as some other goodies! can't wait till next time. you're the man!

  3. thanks for all the info guys, i think i might try moving it lower because it seems to be bleaching out. although andys description of "rounded branches" equaling "deep water" and not collection depth seems accurate. as far as pictures go, my photography skills are about as good as the quality of my camera, which is crap. but i'll try tomorrow.

  4. as an sps noob, i have what may be a dumb question. do "deep water" acropora need less light than other acropora? if so, should it be placed lower on the reef?(scratch)

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  5. hey mike, i always figured the fish died and then my coral banded shrimp ate it. i never thought that the shrimp could have been the cause of death. hhmmm. let us know if the trap works, i might have to try it. can i put the shrimp in my fuge, or will it eat all my pods?

  6. in my opinion, you'll need a skimmer for sure, a hob would work (no sump needed). i have cc in my reef/formerly fowlr and against all odds i have no problems with it. as far as the gravel goes, its much easier to make changes now than it is once you have fish in it. the canister filter will work great as a media reactor (carbon) and your idea for the

    fuge is a good one. just my opinion.

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