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Posts posted by Val

  1. To everyone who replied, thanks for all of the great information! I now have several options that will work for me. I was trying to fit a union and a ball valve in my plumbing before the pump, I didn't know about the True Union Ball Valve. I also already have a threaded bulkhead, so I think I'm good to go! Thanks again!

  2. This crab is very cool, but it's not for a reef tank... it tore into some of my corals pretty bad and now it's time to go into a fish only tank, which I don't have. It's approximately 2 inches wide. $10 or make offer. Sold


  3. It seems like a great fish with a very friendly disposition. I really love it, but I don't have enough room in my tank for this type of fish. From what I've read, this fish gets quite large in just a couple of years and then I would be really attached by then and have to get crazy and set up some huge tank just because I love this one fish...I think I better part with it now... Sold!

  4. My tank is a couple of months old, but the insects showed up at about a month and a half. They normally sit pretty still on the glass, but when they want to move, they can move very quickly. They are so tiny, it is very hard to tell what they look like exactly. They just look like a white speck, so I'll try the magnifying glass idea and see if I can come up with a good picture. Thanks!

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