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Everything posted by dee77

  1. I'm looking for a few pairs of older clowns it does not matter what kind I will be trying to breed them :p I would like to trade for frags but if needed I might be able to pay cash
  2. Ok sweet give me a call if you have one 503 997 8658
  3. I'm looking for a bracket for a 3/4 inch sea swirl
  4. So I found a nice colony at a Lfs and might buy them and do a group by I will get pics up soon but I will get around 50 polyps and would sell them for around 10 dollars polyp I want to see if I get the colony if there will be people interested in them
  5. dee77


    Lol my names Dan.. and I'm a bad speller lol
  6. What are you going to use it for I hatched brine Shri p every day when I was breeding dwarf sea horses and I used http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=brine+shrimp+eggs+for+sale&hl=en&safe=active&client=safari&prmd=ivns&resnum=1&biw=980&bih=1208&um=1&ie=UTF-8&cid=2766681380743243894&ei=pYdNTYnlOpHmsQOH4Z34Cg&sa=X&oi=product_catalog_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CGgQ8wIwAA#ps-sellers
  7. I'm looking for some bubble wrap to wrap my snow board so I can take it with me to Arizona and go to flagstaff if no one has any I might just go to home depot or is there any better places to get it?
  8. dee77


    Wow didn't see that I'm going to Phenox my iPad thinks Phenox is not a word lol
  9. The only problem I'd I will be leaving town on wed so I found a phone on craigslist for now thanks
  10. http://www.cadlights.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=46&products_id=185
  11. He has some very nice corals if you have not been there you are missing out
  12. Sorry I'm looking for something that wont need a internet plan
  13. looking for a nice tmobile phone i just broke my iphoneDOH!DOH!
  14. do you still have it and can it be unlcoked for tmobile
  15. Welcome that kind of stuff you have to ignor sometimes have any pics of your tank
  16. Any body know of any good saltwater stores in Phenox I will be there for a week just wondering if there is any good stores there
  17. Well your doinging a great job on here with the tcptzc and this grow out
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