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Everything posted by pnkrcklives

  1. Yes I sure did! I have been eyeballing him for three weeks now. I finally gave in...
  2. Funny thing is at the store he would not come out of his tube now in my tank he wont go in the tube
  3. Never been to the store till today. Beautiful store and good prices. Thanks for the Red scooter blenny and hairy mushrooms.
  4. pnkrcklives

    New addition

    Just got a Dwarf Golden Moray Eel!!! He is super cool. Already eating out of my hand. I will post a picture once he gets settled a little he is still a little shy and hard to photograph.
  5. I have mated perculas that host a bubble tip anemone on the right side of my tank(90 standard). I have a maroon clown that hosts a kenya tree on the left side of the tank. All has been fine and dandy for 5-6 months. But just in the last 48 hours. I have noticed the female(bigger) percula over hanging around the maroon. They get along fine. Then the male(smaller) percula will go over. Then the two perculas begin to fight locking mouths and vibrating. Female seems to be protecting the maroon. I thought I would have some fighting issues between the two species. But not between the mated pair of perculas. Anyone have and insights?
  6. pnkrcklives

    Sailfin tang

    Tim at westside has some really beautifiul ones good prices too...
  7. What is the actual mesh made out of wonder if there is a local supplier. That cover looks pretty nice looks like another project for my list.
  8. Let me know how the mesh works. I got black egg crate from SWF too patrick said it would not block light but it does tremendously. So i never use it
  9. This morning I found my scooter blenny on the carpet. He was still slightly moist. I tried to save him to no avail. I know certain fish are more prone to jump. I have had him in there almost a year. No one picks on him and water params are normal. I am just a little concerned since scooter blennies dont really seem prone to jumping. Looks like I will be needing a replacement. And maybe soem kinda top that does not block light. Where would I get such a thing.
  10. So how do I find the times and address for the meeting. I would love to attend my first meeting. But I need that info.
  11. Will computer fans be enough to cool a 400 watt MH in a hood? I guess if I used enough it would be. I was even toying with the idea of some linear flow design. Using squirrel cage fans out of heater boxes for cars. I am an auto technician so I have a ton of those. And they could run off a very small power inverter.
  12. I have 90 gallon tank(48x18x25). I just got a 400w MH pendant setup with 20k radium bulb. I am planning to suplement it with 2 48in VHO actinic bulbs. My questions are. Is this going to be enought light? And what kind of lighting schedule would I need to run. I have mostly softies and some lps but would like to try some easier sps sometime soon any help would be appreciated as I am new to this reefing game.
  13. I have two VHO 46.5inch bulbs. They are brand new(never out of the package.) One is an aqua sun the other is a super actinic. I would like to trade twoards two actinic bulbs either 46.5 or 48 inch. A complete VHO setup. Or Some cooling fans for the hood I am building(looking into at least 3 3in fans)
  14. I feel lucky to live so the close to his shop. I have never been to a shop where someone begs me to take some stuff. Cause he has to much coming in and no room for it. Then I tell him I dont have the money for a little while and he tells me to take it and pay him later(at a quarter of the price in any other shop). I am very greatful for his shop and I hope the best of buisness for Him. EVERYONE SHOULD SHOP THERE!!!
  15. I saw some at westside today.
  16. Sounds like a good idea. Good project for a Monday evening...
  17. Wont that harm the People eaters. What if I miss they are really thin long stalks. Maybe I will just frag them to save the whole mass then work with the frags to alleviate the xenia.
  18. I have some xenia growing from a couple of the stems of my green people eaters. How should I get rid of it. Should I clip it close to the stalk. If I do wont it just grow back?
  19. Probably not going to be traveling to southern coast. But newport area is doable. I have never been to any around there.
  20. Gonna take The girlfriend and her kids to some tide pools this weekend. Anyone have some suggestions. I would like to check out some I have never seen plus it is research for my future cold water oregon coast tank.
  21. Nori tied to a weight. A tangs feast. I have had good luck with the new gel foods on the market too.
  22. I have had problems with contaminated tubes and lids providing false readings. Take some water to a LFS and compare with their kits.
  23. I do come that way occasonially. Usually about once a month. I will let you know when I am headed down there. Think in the next week or so maybe.
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