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Everything posted by brokenzoa

  1. Oh no he is gone. He was the biggest pig at feeding time and I haven't seen him for at least a week.
  2. LOL! no but we use to. I think he jumped out but my hubby couldn't find him.
  3. Always seems to work that way. I just noticed I am missing my lubbocks wrasse and probably have been for a few weeks now.
  4. I would post pics but i don't know which ones I got from you. But all my zoas are doing great except the AOG frag i had. it got zoa pox and melted away.
  5. We have 2 small AC's on the first floor. and we are running our lights from 9pm till 3am when the house is the coolest. Our chiller is still having to work a bit not not as bad.
  6. WE lived in a house like yours and we used blankets to seperate rooms and keep some cooler than others. I have heard you can do the same thing with plastic. Maybe this will help until you get another ac setup.
  7. Ha Ha you shoulda seen it. I seriously didn't think it would fit, but now the auto top off doesn't fit.
  8. So sorry that sucks. If we didn't have a chiller we would have lost everything along time ago.
  9. I think you were correct in saying the piece you want to trade is a colony and a very nice one at that.
  10. brokenzoa

    New ORA Pieces

    It is close to 45 miles from lapine but well worth the trip I think.
  11. Deal what do you have in mind for trade? Do i get to see the design before i get there? We are only doing the paw print right? Sorry to side track your thread.
  12. I was thinking the same thing. Clay did you get my e-mail? I'm Stoked
  13. He is fixing one of mine next month and we are starting to work on a new one. (clap) I'm so excited, His work looks amazing.
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