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Everything posted by rgrcrain

  1. $40? Its pretty dirty i'll let you see it. right now it has a 10k bulb in it thats about 4 months old I think. Honestly i'm not really seeing anything I need in your post. If your stashing something pm me.(naughty)
  2. come get it. You might want to bring something to put it in. recycled fish or sandwich bags aren't quite going to cut it. I might have a light you would be interested in while your here too. Sunpod 150w halide with the led moonlights.
  3. I know most people dont want this coral but the rock is the selling point. If you put it in the sand it has little cave in it for a cave dweller. Maybe a fancy house for a Mantis Shrimp(laugh) $10 Front: Side: Thats my flame angel in the cave he's probably 2 or 3 inches if you want a size reference.
  4. Im just guessing, but it looks like his "airbag"(I've completly forgotten the technical name in the last 10 minutes) deflated and threw him off balance. I hade a 6-line wrasse swim around like that after being stuck to the side of a very strong overflow for some amount of time while I was out of town. Do you have a strong pump or powerhead that he could of gotten stuck against that turns off and on so you wouldn't have noticed he was stuck awile, and then he got himself off?
  5. (laugh)lol, you guys are funny, I ask "what is it" and you say "i'll take it". Let me break off a couple and see if they keep growing the same color. Moto i've seen some of your stuff, sooner or later i'd like to see it in person, i spend quite a bit of time in the Seattle metroplex for work. This could be my retirement plan, "The RGRCRAIN Thing-a-ma-bob".(plotting)
  6. So it takes a reactor, or do you just put it in a filter baggie?
  7. It's a Sony a230, its a DSLR but it was 400 new so it didn't hurt as bad as some of the better DLSR's would have. And i'll keep you guys in mind for a frag if I ever try to start doing that.
  8. Can anybody tell me if this has a name? The orange and purple ones, not the dragon eyes or watermelons. And while i'm asking questions, can someone explain to me what makes a People Eater a People Eater.
  9. Getting highjacked was my pleasure. I've been trying to get into the original "Coral Mafia" for a long time. And thanks for practically forcing me to take my first acan, its doing great and i'll probably get hooked on those too.
  10. Hello all, My name is Roger. I've had a couple of saltwater tanks in the last 5 or 6 years and i've been a lurker and a member here for over a year. I kept telling people I wasn't going to introduce myself until I got a camera and had pics to show, so yesterday I went a grabbed a camera and here I am. Most of the sponsors in the area probably know my face even if they dont know my name, and in the last week i've had the opportunity to meet Grassi, Impur, Emerald525 and Tanktop74 and i'm looking forward to meeting more of you now that i'm out in the open. I'm a fan of the Zoa's and sps so i'm trying to grow them both in my tank. I've got dual 400w Halides on each end of the tank and 96 watts of T5 light in the center to kind of even out the color. Here's a pic with all the lights on. Heres one with just the T5. And here is probably my clearest picture yet. I havent quite got the hang of fixing the color's in the pictures just yet. Thanks for lookin' i'm going to go back to lurking for now.
  11. I think you have to check that box everytime you want to save one. I checked it once and it saved that message but it hasnt saved the three I've sent since then.
  12. I'll take it. I was just at your house, maybe I should have asked "what else ya got".
  13. i think thats people you have chosen as friends.
  14. I'll take the Mohawks and Lotus Eaters
  15. I'm voting to add to the TECO order but I was really looking forward to the CA's and the Rasta's. What else does he have besides the 2 examples?
  16. If you tell me you "locked down" the soprano and I will take the last 5 spots too:D
  17. I saw one tank where the guy glued anchors to the bottom of his tank to hold the foam structures down.
  18. I haven't bought the paint yet, but since I have zero experience with either I figured paint would be more forgiving.
  19. I have some noob questions. What does MRA stand for? Are the "Blue magicians" different than the "magicians" I have, mine are purple/red with green speckles?
  20. It looks like there is more stuff going on around the corner that you cant see, maybe once the bottom tank fills there is extra sump room. The top would definatley need to be fish only, or maybe you could make it some kind of surge tank.
  21. You arent charging me for the labor so I cant really get too impatient. I think painting it is going to be the easiest option. I guess I better go ahead and order the fans.
  22. Its lookin' awesome shane! Now if I can just get the inside of the tank to look as good as the outside will i'm set.
  23. Thats funny i work i the Triple H building down the street behind chevron, i'll call you tomorrow. Just out of curiosity what did it cost to build that setup, pm me if you dont want to announce it to everyone.
  24. Rick and Shane thank you both for the offers, are either of you guys around tomorrow or possibly even tonight? BTW Shane that stand is beautiful.
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