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Posts posted by rgrcrain

  1. OK, so I have zero to contribute to the conversation you guys are having. All i've ever used is PC. But since there seems to be alot of computer people involved in this thread I have some super important questions.


    1. Has anyone seen "Date Night"?

    2. Is the crazy "minority report" style computer Marky Mark uses in the movie real or just special effects?

    3. If it is real what would one cost?


    Sorry to Highjack I just really didnt want to start a new thread.(laugh)

  2. with all due respect, and remember I'm sayin' it with all due respect, that idea ain't worth a velvet painting of a whale and a dolphin gettin' it on.


    America is all about speed, hot nasty badass speed. -elenor roosevelt

  3. Monty Python and the Holy Grail

    The Blues Brothers


    Baptism, you guys are dumber than a bag of hammers. And stay out of the Woolworth's!



    O Brother where art thou. Dont forget "well aint this place a geographical oddity, two weeks from everywhere."

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