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Posts posted by ClayTheSavageFraser

  1. I have a 100 gallon simplicity plus acryilc aquarium, it has a 10 gallon internal overflow/sump run by a rio 1750, I have about 150 pounds of live rock. I have a hang on the back needle wheel protein skimmer (forgot who makes it) two seio powerheads one 1200 and one 1500. I feed cyclopeez, mysis, silversides and krill. I have a maristar light with 2/250w 10k metal halides and 2/blue geissmann actinics. Is there anything I am forgeting?



  2. It's a 10k. Now I know why they have a UV protective glass!! I burnt me and my corals. I kept the light off today. woke up this morning and my monti is white!! My trumpets are mad and my face is red. I hung the light lastnight and left the glass out cause I don't have the actinic lights yet and thought that it would be ok. I had a metal halide light, 400 w 14k single hood on it and it didn't have any glass on it so? I thought that this would be ok. Well half my face is burnt and my corals are pissed!! I hope they survive!! So, back to my question? Should I get a reefblue actinic?



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