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Posts posted by CA2OR

  1. Where's that beat a dead horse emoticon?(scratch)


    Here you go



    You can give stuff away you can't sell.


    oh I know....of course I can GIVE away something....they wouldn't stop me from doing that. I will give stuff away again....in about 4 more months. To make it official....if I do get banned I GIVE all my group buy grow out spots to Snowpunk....all of the polyps from all 3 grow outs I give to him.


    back to topic.....can we get more titles?

  2. I'm going to start my own forum and and have an annoyance ranking system applied. Every time an annoyance point is earned there will be an automatic PM sent that will make fun of you and take shots at your self esteem. Also any members that post excessively will be charged per post.... I think I just came up with a very profitable business idea.


    I'm sure I can entice certain members to join by offering a free "You're cool if you have this." Zoanthid polyp.


    sign me up(clap)

  3. The club rules state; "when you hit 10' date='000 posts, you will be banned from the site."[/quote']


    I can only hope that is true. To be honest I would not mind being banned from here. Would save me from giving any more corals away....but me being unable to post in classifieds has already done that.(clap)....to think....I was going to run giveaways with some of our group buy zoa's that are coming in.(nutty)

  4. Can we get some higher rankings? I don't want to be a whale....I know....stupid complaint but hey other_beatingA_DeadHorse.gif is fun....seriously though....can we get more....or simply make our own after a certain amount or something?


    I'd like to be a tiger shark or something like that.(naughty)....even Baracuda would be fun

  5. I totally agree....but there is such opposition to negative feedback which leaves you blind as it is. So if there is no neg there should be no pos either....you know? Otherwise it is very misleading if all you see is good. For instance....I had corals recently shipped to me and they showed up with no water in the bags thanks to horrible packaging...in addition to no heat packs....so I should say I had plugs shipped.....anyway...if I couldn't share that, than you might experience the same things....without warning....because neg feedback isn't allowed.


    but in the ever so elegant words of the wise man (reefnjunkie) other_beatingA_DeadHorse.gif

  6. nothing really has changed. Snowpunk built the stand but hasn't delivered it....I did pick up the UV sterilizer and my make shift reactor....I will snap some pic's on wed of what all has gone down thus far.


    I can update though....we cut all the closed loop plumbing off the back. Also cut the plumbing out of the sides of the overflows so we can cap or seal those holes. The closed loop holes on the back are getting bulkheads installed and capped for possible future use. Got the sand from Rick....thank you again....and am getting the return pump tomorrow. In addition I have another pump that I was going to use for the CL but might just end up CL'ing it along with the rest of my corals.

  7. So my wife and I like to occassionally dream about what we would do if we hit the powerball....it makes for fun conversation. It is amazing how many different ideas you get from other people when you talk about it with them.


    First question....What would you do?



    Here is my dream tank if I hit the powerball




    Second question....what do you guys think of doing a group buy on powerball tickets?


    If we win we split it evenly....you know....like an office pool. I was watching a show where 11 people from an office bought 60 tickets and won...each got 11 mil. I could do with that.(naughty) not saying this would happen to us....but it would be nice.


    if you are interested simply say so in your post.


    Now this is my kinda "group buy"....I am totally down....who else wants in? It would be a minimum of $1 for anyone who wants to join....of course you can put in more if you wish to increase our chances but no matter what the numbers are that are picked and who picked em....if we win we split. Worse case...you lose a dollar....best case...we are working out splits of millions.(rock2) if you want to pick your numbers that's fine with me....just pm or post em.....otherwise it is going to be quick picks.(plotting)


    List of those interested:


    01. CA2OR

  8. lol.....never thought of the Costco pools....good idea. Will look into that. I was thinking before of doing a pond or pool style set up with the sump above the "tank".....so I would pump up to the sump from the pool/pond and have a float valve up there....when water level hits set amount it would dump back down.....like a tide pool. It would actually be pretty cheap to build.

  9. ah....yeah we are only going with the LED's for the lifespan and because they are relatively cheap for LED's.....actually I could, or you could, get the fixture that is only like $40 on ebay......hmm.....never really thought about that. T5's would make the fish look pretty sick though....brings out the colors and patterns well.

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