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Everything posted by dj_giantti

  1. Beer count is 3!!! The is nothing worng with coors light. I have a long way to go on this tank. I need to save money I might even change to Keystone light.
  2. Yeah your right I should open another beer. Beer count is now up to 3. I think I will do some more cleaning in a few days once things settle down. I will add the flippers to help me reach the appropriate cleaning depth.
  3. Sounds great!!! I will get all of the parts on order. I just posted the picture of me cleaning my tank lol. Garrett by the way my beer count is 2!!!
  4. It was kind of fun also!!! Anyone want to try?
  5. Here are picture of my cleaning my tank getting it ready for the new house. Beer count on the tank so far #2
  6. Here are picture of my cleaning my tank getting it ready for the new house. Beer count on the tank so far #2
  7. I just got done cleaning my tank/going for a swim. So I blow in to the pump and hit the side of it with a small rock and the pump kicked in. How many gallons do you think the skimmer could handle if I did all these up grades?
  8. Hello there CCR!!! Brandon is bad about getting wedding pictures out. lol But I still love him.
  9. This is Brandon's wife Megan, hello to you all. Brandon is currently on swimming in his fish tank trying to clean it. I just took some picture and he asked me to upload them. So they will be up in a few min. This hobby is taking over his life!!! lol
  10. Yeah its a great size. I think I am going to put my board shorts on and go for a swim while I clean it. I will have my wife take a picture of that one. It should be a lot of fun.
  11. Check out the post a few above yours and you will find some pictures!!! PS the tank is filling up with water right now so I can give it a deep cleaning
  12. Yeah Ryan!!! Can you please send me some links!! Right no I am have tubble with one of the pumps turning on. Please help me out buddy.
  13. http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.reefcorals.com/images/Purple_Chalice_a.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.reefcorals.com/%3Fpr%3DSPS_Corals&usg=__HBuKu4pb96BCZ2EVyeYzv0zBKBQ=&h=459&w=640&sz=62&hl=en&start=24&tbnid=f72rvFDzkZkUaM:&tbnh=98&tbnw=137&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dpurple%2Bwith%2Bpink%2Bchalice%26gbv%3D2%26ndsp%3D21%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26sa%3DN%26start%3D21 This might be it?
  14. Very nice looking tank. How for do you think you are from putting water in it?
  15. I still have a bunch of frags. CLAY come and get them for free!!!
  16. Its a Glass tank!!! with coner overflows.
  17. Everyone this is a killer deal on a tank and stand combo. The tank is in perfect condition. It does not have a single scratch in it that I know of. This is a great deal on a tank of your looking to up grade to a bigger tank!!! B BUMP!!!
  18. I have a bunch I need to get rid of for the big move!!! Scott also lives right down the street and he has a lot of corals for great prices!!!
  19. Pictures!!! Thanks to R-3 for all the lifting help Thanks to steelhead for the use of a flat bed trailer.
  20. Anyway we can change the name of this thread to twin build?
  21. Hey guys I just got home from a really long day!!! Got up @ 5am to pack up the last of my fish and soft corals. We went down with 9 boxes of some killer corals. I was able to trade straight across of the cube. Here is a list of what I traded!!! Sorry about the hacking all the corals names lol. Corals Zoa/Pallies/Ployp Frags (each frag has 8-15 heads on avg.) 90 frags Zoa Colonies (each has 80-200 heads on avg.) 9 colonies Red pulsing xenia 3-6 inch stocks. 12 colonies frogspawn colony 30+ heads 8"x8" 10" toadstool leather with pink base 6” Pink Bubble Anemone Candy Cane Colony 100+ heads Neon Green Candy Cane 8 heads 2 Green Trumpet Colonies 15+ heads each 3 random leathers Pom-Pom Xenia 3” 2 Green Fuzzy Mushrooms Green Milliporea 4 inches Blue Staghorn 3 inches 40 SPS frags. Palie Colony 40 heads Purple Hydropore 3” Uman Ric Mushrooms These are the main corals. As I bag them up I am sure there will be more added to the list. Fish Scorpus Tang Breeding Pair of Gold Banded Moron Clowns Supine Star Fish
  22. Good deals guys and some great corals. Scott lives a few blocks away from me in Albany. He has a killer setup. It would be really worth the drive to come down and check out what he has!!! Good Corals at a Great Price!!!
  23. Scott hit up Bill in Albany he has that 210 for sale. I have over heard a few poeple talk about possibly getting it. He has it posted on reef centeral so it get a lot of action. Get on it quick. Brandon
  24. Just loaded up all the corals I will be trading for the tank. I leave at 6:00 am on Sunday to make the drive to Grants Pass
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