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Posts posted by downhill_biker

  1. Seems like when things like that happen' date=' a better door opens for you. Im sure it will, go buy a lottery ticket, but if you win i want half! :P[/quote']


    lol. you got it. if i win i will give half, what's it to me when i have 250 million, or whatever it's up to now. for that matter, BIGGER TANKS FOR EVERYONE!!! turn your old tank into the sump because no matter the size of tank you have now, it will only serve as the sump to the one i'm gonna get you.


    i'm not really a gambling man, haven't bought a ticket or played the slots, or any other form of gambling, yet, and i'm 22, so have had a few years, just seems like a waste of money...LOL, as i spend thousands on this hobby.


    thank you to everyone for the kind comments, sorry to vent, just interesting how things work, and i know they happen for a reason, something good is in store for me.

  2. Well, first thing this week my tank crashed and I lost 90% of my corals, and I am hoping the remaining pulls through. The fish are fine, thank god for that, but it looks like after the 6 weeks of QT with copper, they are showing ich again.(sad)


    Went to work yesterday, States Industries, and they laid me off. I really liked that job, it is the best one that I have had so far in life. They really want me to come back, but don't know when the company will be able to afford to hire me back.


    Well, that being said, I have nothing else to complain about. I am healthy and happy, have a wonderful woman, and my life is good. I just wanted to vent a little about my situation and how this week hasn't been the best. Hasn't been the worst either. Hope everyone has better luck with their tanks and their careers right now.

  3. kalk. i dose it nightly and seems to work pretty well, until i had a snow storm about 2 weeks ago, and precipitated all of my ca and alk, and was trying to get it up after that. i also use separate ca and alk buffer to make small adjustments.


    i will let things take their course for a few weeks. hopefully i am done losing corals, it is heartbreaking, but if i can save the RBTA, condi, and 2 clams, then i will be happy. i have 3 corals still alive, and 1 more that can possibly bounce back.

  4. i think that was the problem. i rose alk and pH too much, and i lowered the pH with vinegar, source of carbon and got a bacterial bloom.


    so how do i fix the problem? if the water is clear now, am ok to let it go through its natural course? or is there something i should treat with.

  5. i thought i was raising the alk slowly, i didn't have a reference. i posted on reefcentral and they said to do it slowly, but didn't give me a time frame. i figured that i could raise the calcium in a couple days if it was low, so why not the alk.


    i have a 12 gallon nano tank set up that will hold some of the corals, but for right now i am going to leave them. the clams are opening up, and the anemones are too. no more corals are dying, but 90% are gone. the others look fine and haven't gotten worse. i have the tank running though just in case. i am worried that if i moved everything over the light wouldn't be enough for the clams and anemones, its just a 65w compact over the tank.

  6. update: oregon tort gone, blue tip acro gone, all acros gone, pink bird still pieces of flesh flapping in the wind...but basically gone, clams not looking good, anemones better, now holding onto rocks, xenia black, hydrophora on its way. water is clearer, but still cloudy. started air bubbler in the sump to help with oxygen. tested water and still seems good.

  7. thanks for the info. i am trying to figure out what the problem is, and you guys are definitely helping with ideas. i will take a water sample tomorrow and look at it under the microscope to see if it is a bacteria, however the water seems to be a little clearer now.


    so far i am looking at a huge loss, i just want to try and prevent it from being a total loss. so far the clams and the oregon tort are alive, and those are some that i am most concerned about. lost both the green and pink birdsnest, the frogspawn, several other acros, and all of my softies look bad, 2 red riccordea yumas, green ric, orange/green ric, and blue ric, all still there, but not looking good, RBTA floating around the rocks and losing a few tentacles, but i am hoping that if some of it can stay alive it will bounce back. i also will be watching water quality as i know death can cause major cycles.


    and thanks so much for the offer for more coral frags. people like you make me want to stay in the hobby, even though right now i am heartbroken over the deal. i dont know if i will be coming to the BBQ, but maybe i should make sure i come, to meet some awesome people that care like you. just so frustrating when everything is going so well, and i get "dream" corals with awesome colors, and something like this can wipe them out.

  8. how can i know if it is bacteria? i know, or am fairly certain that it isn't air. my skimmer puts off tons of bubbles and the entire top of my tank is open, as well as the sump. i have a fan on the display and the sump, and have 2 koralia 4's pointing up at the surface from opposite ends. there is so much surface movement, i just don't see how it could be oxygen.


    the uv is working. i checked.


    i guess i will just play the waiting game and see if the poly filter and the water change did it.

  9. thanks guys. the poly filter is in the canister and hopefully that helps. have water ready for 30 gallon change, but cant do it because i have to go to work.


    it isn't affecting everything, just inverts. the fish are fine. the temp currently is 81, but even 83 is normal. i have my tank go up to 83 all the time, why all the sudden would that be an issue? i have a rena flow through heater, and use a digital thermometer, a in sump glass thermometer, and also double check with an external pocket digital thermometer, they all are within a half a degree of eachother. also i have a 36w uv sterilizer on the tank and have had it there for a while, so i dont think that a bacterial bloom is very likely.


    the alk was at 7dKH and i raised it over the course of 48 hours to 12dKH.


    took water to LFS and they got the same readings, practically perfect water in every way, no copper, and great quality. they were stumped so i am hoping it was a toxin and the polyfilter will remove it, along with the water change.


    thanks everyone.

  10. the two large turbo snails look bad too. they are laying on their sides and exposing their foot. i dont know what is going on but please help. the only thing that would make sense to me would be something that would take out all inverts, like copper. the fish were in QT with copper, but i was very careful when moving them, and the tank is testing with 0 copper.

  11. i noticed one of my 3 cleaner shrimp was dead this morning, others fine, then i noticed this afternoon 3 corals were dying from RTN, and now they are completely gone, and a couple more are starting. the RBTA is taking a walk, and the other anemone doesn't look good. the water is somewhat cloudy too, not super cloudy, but looking from the side i cant really see all the way through.



    i had low ca and alk, so i brought those up over the last couple days, with normal kalk dosing and ca and alk buffers. the fish were in QT until yesterday, when i put them back in display.


    today i checked all params and did a water change, and changed all filter media and carbon.











    Temp:highest 83.5 today, now 81


    Please help me, i hope i can save my tank, if it crashes i am going to have to leave the hobby, can't afford to restock.

  12. (clap)thanks to franklin for coming over and double checking all my water parameters. tested Mg, dKH, TDS, pH, and Salinity, and everything looked good. Gave him a paly and a riccordea for the services, let me know how they work out.

  13. i also understand his point. only selling 1 piece during what was a big sale. that can be suspect to a few causes. bad advertising, sub prime corals, high pricing, or closing the doors during the sale. i wanted some of the super green star polyps from hm, and he said they were $300. even at 25% off that is about $220 more than it should've been. the ad i saw in the paper was very small and had to be pointed out by a fellow coworker.


    i just wish he would've honored the sale price the next day, since it wasn't my fault the sale was ended early.

  14. to the bar, huh? i guess that will determine whether a business stays open for the day or not. it just really gets to me when that is the only reason i go into town. i called today and asked if they would honor the sale, since i showed up yesterday at 2:30 and they said no. i just dont think it is right to advertise a sale and then have the doors closed.

  15. Saw in the local paper, Register Guard, that Liquid Sunshine was having a 4th of July (clap) sale and decided to go down there in the hopes of picking up a powerhead or two. Went to the store at 2:30pm and they were closed(sad). The paper said nothing about closing early or limited hours, and I figured they would be open all day, or at least till 2:30. I am frustrated that they would advertise a sale like that and then close their doors to me, and countess other people that drove all the way down there just for the sale.



  16. thanks. i thought it was a good find myself. got it from albany's amazing aquarium. paid more than i wanted to...$40, but it is still better than the $80 that they want for the one at petime.

  17. Love the clam! We have one just like it!


    yeah. i couldn't pass it up. i love the teardrop maxima. i just hope that it doesnt outgrow my 72 bowfront too quickly. i will sell it to the LFS when it does (plotting) and get another smaller one. i might be able to find a place for it, but thats hard with a clam that is a foot long in a 4 foot tank(wife).

  18. here are the pics of the new clam and frags that i picked up last week. the clam from albany's amazing aquarium, and the frags from josh.








    oh and a couple more cleaners



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