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Posts posted by downhill_biker

  1. I have to agree with Eric. That Chevron is pretty ugly. Better send it to me so you don't have an ugly fish in your tank.;)


    I reviewed description for the Chevron Tang and I'm surprised they are not more common. They seem to be an excellent addition to the tank since they take care of cleanup that normally would be handled by inverts and they are one of the less agressive tangs. I'll definately have my eye out for one.


    I think the reasons they are not common is that they are hard to find, and that when you do find one they usually range between $150-$200. They can be found but they aren't easy to get.


    Another underestimated tang is the Orange Fin Tomini Tang. Check those out too, they are also a bristletooth tang, so workhorses, and have great temperment.

  2. Thanks Garrett. I love the Chevron Tang, but as you said could never find one at a decent price. I ended up getting this one from someone tearing down their tank, and they gave me the fish and some coral for helping him tear down the tank and move it.


    Rick, you are not alone in liking that fish, they are one of mine, and Garrett's, favorites, along with many others. I think that it is their color and personality that gets people...



    It looks like you have a lot of Iron in your water by the looks of that skimmer' date=' do you run on a well?[/quote']


    No, I use city water here in Salt Lake City. There are probably lots of impurities, but I use an RODI filter for all of my water and it is reading 0 TDS. I have always had the skimmate look the same...dark brown/green...sometimes almost black. What are you used to?

  3. Whatever he said, name calling or taunting or whatever, obviously with Blount's showing after the fact, he probably fits the bill. Going after fans pretty much classifies him to fit any name he may have been called, or what may have been said.


    I am with you Miles. Yesterday was an shameful day for duck fans. The game was horrible. That is some of the sloppiest football I have seen for a while...at least since our two punt returners ran into eachother last year....Ugh. You know I was thinking the same thing about the O-line. I was thinking...I needed to go down there or something...couldn't have been much worse. The line was so slow, and weak it was sad. I haven't seen such a bad showing from Mesoli, ever. I couldn't believe the mistakes he made, he either was WAY out of the zone, or he just doesn't have a football head about him. His pass to the secondary on Boise was perfect, pinpoint accuracy...but wrong team. He was just so off his mark.

  4. I was at a fish meeting so started watching a little late, but just watched Blount at the end. He needs to be kicked out of college sports, banned for life. He has already been kicked off once. He is a worthless POS and I NEVER want to see him play sports again. He will never have a future in football due to his piss-poor attitude and we dont need thugs like him in the sport. Bye Blount, and good riddens.

  5. That was the worst showing of a so-called "Quarterback". Mesole was a worthless POS the whole game. So inaccurate, so stiff and set in the pocket, interceptions, fumbles, he just sucked bad. Horrible game. I AM PISSED! (flame)

  6. UPDATE: So as most of you know, I lost the blond naso due to not eating. Lost the swallowtail angel from rabbitfish sting, and lost the sargassum trigger from jumping out of the tank.


    I was pretty sad, but now things are shaping up. The fish were in QT for 6 weeks and the tank has run fallow. I should be ich free and I started putting fish back in the Display. I put in my 2 newest/timid fish first. The Regal Tang, and the Chevron Tang.


    I got a new blonde naso, and also a yellow tang, and they will go in the tank in a few days after the other two get established and comfortable in the aquarium.





  7. I apologize' date=' that statement was to vague....what I should have said was I have heard that Ushio makes an 18k bulb that is supposed to be a perfect mix of color and growth potential....which if it were true then they would "make the best bulb"....second mistake was adding an "s" to "bulb" making it plural.[/quote']


    its all good. i just know that there are a lot of manufacturers out there that make good bulbs.


    if they make an 18k bulb that is the best mix of color and growth that is great. it still probably cant be said to be the best bulb. the phoenix 14k has the color of most 20k bulbs, and has PAR that exceeds most of the top brand 10k bulbs.

  8. i might add that color is all dependent on what kind of ballast you have...whether you are overdriving your bulbs or underdriving them. for example...if you have a 20k bulb being powered by a M80 ballast it is going to be much whiter than the same bulb being powered by an electronic ballast. The M80 will overdrive, causing whiter light, and higher PAR, and most of the time a shorter bulb life, the electronic is just the opposite, bluer, less PAR, less electricity used, usually longer life. People like both for different reasons. Bulb choice is often dependent on the ballast...not only for color, but of running: the radiums need a pulse start type ballast to fire.

  9. I have also heard that Ushio makes the best bulbs...they make the 18k that I am looking at.


    who told you ushio makes the best bulbs? whoever said that is crazy. i dont know how anyone can say that one manufacturer truly makes a better bulb than another. all the name brand bulbs are good, after that it is preference.


    in DE i like phoenix 14k, super high PAR, bulb life, and great blue color


    in SE i like radium 20k, they seem to make corals pop unlike any other bulb.

    • Like 1
  10. Whats the deal with the 5 gallon buckets in the sump. Looks like you cut the sump and glued them in there some how? Why did you do this? Looks intresting but whats the purpose?


    Excelent build. I did not see the entire thread yet but the rock collecting trip looked fun.




    The 5 gallon buckets are my baffles. The taller on closest to the camera is where the water drains from the tank, and the shorter one is what determines the water height in the sump and then has the return pump in it. I didn't cut the sump, I cut the buckets to match the contour of the sump and siliconed them in. I just figured it would be easier and cheaper than a bunch of acrylic. I can tell you now that I wouldn't change a thing. They work perfectly and my sump area is much larger because of no wasted space.

  11. I think that a great tank size is 75g, if you want to go larger that is great too, but 75 gives you great dimensions in a 4' tank. My advice is to get as large of sump as you can fit. Get a good protein skimmer, and a taller stand. Short/standard height stands suck for getting into and fitting equipment under. I would do a 75g with a 40 breeder sump, and get as big/nice of a skimmer as you can (octopus extreme are insane for the money). Koralia powerheads are also great bang for the buck products. 2 Koralia 4's would probably do a 75g tank nicely. Either t5 or MH are great, and search the classifieds to find as much of the equipment as possible.

  12. I think I had one of the furthest moves. Eugene to Salt Lake City. Went like crap though, guess that means I know what to do based on the bad decisions I made. I recommend coolers for coral and fish, individual bags. Then put rock in buckets and cover with water. Get rid of all the sand and buy new sand. Should work out nicely for you.

  13. That really makes me want to go buy a mountain bike. It's too bad the good ones cost as much as a small car.


    they certainly can, but you can get some pretty good specs like full suspension and disk brakes for pretty reasonalby now. if you do decide to get one, let me know and i can help you find one based on your riding style and your budget.

  14. Do you ever ride really big stuff? Like 10' high doubles? I used to ride BMX dirt and street stuff and it was so much fun to fly off of huge jumps


    No actually I dont. I have done about a 6' gap drop, but thats about it. i enjoy roller jumps and small kickers. i enjoy rough terrain, as well as blasting down smooth flowing stuff. I am 6'9" and 300lb and my bike gets a beating as is. People my size just aren't meant to do huge stuff. I just ride for fun, and big stuff isn't fun to me, the risk vs. reward just isn't there for me. I do however, really enjoy northshore stuff, like teater totters, ladders, and especially wooden walls or wooden "S" berms.

  15. Ya it was the first ride of the year and I was just getting warmed up. We stopped just before that and then my buddy decided to hit it, but I didn't have nearly enough speed, and then not enough pull up. When I realized I was going that slow I should have gone around or wheelied off of it. I have done much bigger without wrecking, but those videos aren't as entertaining as the one where you wreck off a little (well we measured it 4') drop. Tomorrow I am going to Deer Valley to hit some real stuff and it should be fun, and hopefully a little less painful.

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