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Posts posted by markdadof2

  1. Just have to share! Today I came home and took a look at the tank (usually the first thing I do when I get home) and was pleased to see not one, not two but THREE stomatella snails broadcasting eggs...and one male doing his job as well.

    My clowns were eating these things up as fast as they could and I assume the corals were enjoying the bounty as well?? Do the corals eat these also? I already have a fair amount of these snails so if anyone wants some.....

  2. Well, just finished my second Portland to Coast relay race yesterday and boy am I sore. Does anyone else to either the Hood to COast or Portland to Coast (speed walk)? Our team did much better this year and we came in 64th place out of 131 teams in our division.

  3. Hey everyone!

    Orange is my fav color, thus my drive to find some good bright orange Zoas. In looking at zoaidI .com have found the following that I would love to buy:

    bam bam orange

    Argent orange


    Envy Orange

    KO's nightmare



    If you have any of the above and would like to sell please PM me :)


    Thank you


  4. I recently switched from PC to MH lighting (150W 14k bulb) in my 15 gallon nano and I have had no issues with any of the corals. The first week I cut the photo period to about 5 hours and slowly ramped up from there. I have noticed my corals are growing faster and things look very good now.

  5. My new halide has been running for just over a week now - my photo period is only 6 hours right now. One of my xenia's at the top of the tank is starting to look not so happy - some of his 'arms' have shrunk and he just doesn't look well. I'm guessing the new light (had PC's up until last week) is blasting him. How to I pry him off the rock to move him? HELP!




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