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About Pinchy

  • Birthday 02/25/1976


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Toad Fish

Toad Fish (1/15)



  1. Hey! What a crazy busy summer this has been! This light fixture has been sitting around lonely in my office at the day care just waiting for new coral and/or fish to love. It is an Orbit 24 hour lighting system by Current USA. (See at http://www.current-usa.com) We got it from Jason at Coral Reef 9 months ago. The fixture is 72" x 8.25" x 4.5". It has two 96 Watt Dual Actinic Lamps (460nm/420nm), two 96 Watt Dual Daylight Lamps (10,000K/6700K), and 6 lunar lights. It worked very well over our salt water tank. The fish, soft corals, etc. were happy and growing. This fixture can be purchased new for $444.00 through Marine Depot. The bulbs are due to be replaced at about $35 per bulb. We will happily accept the best offer, somewhere around $250ish. Thanks, Kim
  2. We have an Orbit 24 hour lighting system by Current USA for sale. See http://www.current-usa.com for the fixture in general. See http://s279.photobucket.com/albums/kk125/pinchy_album/ for this specific fixture. All the pictures were taken with this lighting fixture. The fixture is 72" x 8.25" x 4.5" and is 8 months old. It has two 96 Watt Dual Actinic Lamps (460nm/420nm), two 96 Watt Dual Daylight Lamps (10,000K/6700K), and 6 lunar lights. It includes an acrylic cover to protect the bulbs and docking legs. It worked very well over our tank. The fish, soft corals, 'shrooms etc. were happy and growing. Drs. Foster and Smith list this fixture for $529.99 (+S/H) while Marine Depot offers it for $484.99 (+S/H). The bulbs are due to be replaced at about $35 per bulb. We will happily accept the best reasonable offer. Thank you, Kim
  3. Hey, I (finally) opened an account with photobucket and uploaded some of my more recent pictures. I think maybe this will give me an excuse to upgrade my camera! It's amazing to me how fast some of the corals have grown. I was looking at pictures of the tank from when we first put it up and I can't believe how bare it was - yet I thought back then that it was perfect! It's also kind of fun to see the difference the new lights have made. Here is the URL: http://s279.photobucket.com/albums/kk125/pinchy_album/ Good viewing(yahoo) Kim
  4. Pinchy

    New Member

    Hey, Thanks so much for the warm welcome. I especially appreciate the info. about the Linckia. I have tried feeding it directly, but it doesn't respond well and I don't have much patience. Part of the problem with having a tank in the workplace is that if I spend too much time playing, my boss notices. The Linckia is nothing like the brittle sea star we used to have (now terrorizing a Dentist office in South Salem). That thing was a monster. I swear it would have taken the tongs right along with the food. Everyone was afraid it was going to suddenly jump out of the tank and attack them, like some alien movie! I'm not sure how this whole picture thing works. I'd like to add a page to our school website specifically for the fish tank. Maybe a web cam so that the parents can spend their work hours watching the fish (laugh) I've also heard about photobucket. What is the easiest way for people to view photos of our tank? I'm happy to show off our wet pets. Oh, by the way, the T5's arrived today. It's a Current USA Nova Extreme Pro 72" T5 fixture with 6 39 watt SlimPaq 10K's and 6 39 watt 490nm actinics. I'm so excited. I can't wait to see what they look like on the tank. I'm taking before and after pictures today! My boss had better beware that I won't get much done today! Thanks, Kim
  5. Pinchy

    New Member

    Hi, I thought it was probably time I introduced our tank to pnwmas considering the fact that we have been displaying a poster advertising this site in our lobby for over a year! I take care of a 125 g. reef tank in the "lobby" of a non-profit child care center in Salem. At this site we have 154 children ages 6 weeks through 6 years, including a full time kindergarten program. The children, parents, staff, and foster grandparent volunteers all love the tank and its' inhabitants. We have had the tank for 21 months. We purchased everything from Jason at Coral Reef and he set the tank up for us. He has been a great source of info. as we have done our best to properly care for the tanks' inhabitants, which include; various leathers, mushrooms, zoanthids, polyps, and xenia (we have Current USA fluorescents, upgrading to T5's soon) 2 scarlet cleaner shrimp 1 Fire Shrimp 4 Blue Reef Chromis 2 False Percula Clownfish 1 Bangaii Cardinal 1 Fairy Wrasse 1 Blue Linkia - I'd like to find a new home for this guy. It has been in our tank since the beginning and lately it hasn't looked as healthy as usual. I am worried it needs a change of diet. We have 160 lbs. of "live rock" and a 4" sand bed, but not many new additions and not a lot of little critters. Maybe it has eaten everything in the tank that is on its' favorite food list and is starving. I'd hate to see that happen. I'd take it back to Jason, but I know he is gearing up for a move and I don't want to add to his list. I have grown to really love this tank. It was as sad day when we donated the first fish I chose to the Oregon Coast Aquarium last August. "She" was a gorgeous, rapidly growing, territorial Sailfin Tang. Now that she has gone, I'd like to get another smaller, less territorial fish as our centerpiece and maybe something for the bottom of the tank. After that I "think" I'm done and will be all about maintenance and keeping everything healthy. Then I can start a tank at home! Maybe something even bigger! I enjoy reading about everyone else's tanks, and look forward to continuing to learn from the posts in the forums. I also look forward to being able to post questions. I always seem to have something going on that I can't figure out! Kim
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