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Posts posted by C0lin

  1. The two spot move was in all likelyhood an effort to get Ty Lawson or Tyler Hansborough (the only two rookies that they really wanted on the team that were realistic for us to grab). Once they got to 22 since neither was available, they took BPA from the euros to stash. Pendegraph was the PBA in the PF spot, sure Blair was still there, but he was passed almost twice by every coach, so there was definitely something seriously wrong with his knees despite what he said... they were both red flagged at the combine after all. In all likelihood, he will get a full check out by the Spurs medical staff, and won't even make the roster.


    Mills will in all likely not make the roster cut at the end of summer... but he was intruiging, so they are giving him a shot since he was still floating around


    This is going to be a wicked place to be on the 7th when offers for FA's can fall, I expect us to have either Harris or Turkeyglue by the end of that day, with a strong preference for devin.


    If the Blazers land Harris, I will poo myself.

  2. Capitalism-an economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decision, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market.

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  3. My work lost power so I got to go home early, but unfortunately, I have to go in for a little bit on my day off tomorrow. I've honestly never seen weather like this before. I thought we were going to get hit by a tornado or something.

  4. I have no idea but I hate this thread because everytime I come in here I see that dang pic.(scary)


    You know, just the fact that it's the first post on the page makes me feel the same way. Maybe I should edit it..........Maybe not........(laugh)

  5. No' date=' that was my hand. I ended up losing my left thumb. All from the bite of a [i']Wolfus spiderius[/i]! I had the doctors remove my right thumb also, so I could have matching hands, but now I don't have a date for Saturday nights!!


    Who's got two thumbs and hates spiders?


    This gu...............oh wait DOH!

  6. These are African Malawi cichlids. I'm a little worried because its mom/dad, no idea which one, has been looking unhealthy. Its tail doesn't seem to be doing too much. Matter of fact, I thought it was a goner a good month or so ago.

  7. Yesterday, I was talking on the phone and glanced at my tank, and saw something orange behind the rocks in the corner. I looked down for a closer look, and sure enough, BABY CICHLID!


    I've had a tank for the better part of 10 years, and never once had anything reproduce. I have the most fish of one breed that I've ever had, and I guess the odds worked in my favor. Like my friend told me, the new fish is nothing but profit. He's already eating solid pellets and everything.(rock2)

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