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Everything posted by Electrokate

  1. The coral in back is indeed Hydnaphora. In the kind of ideal light Upscales uses this thing would be a nice bright green, but when it's eating it inflates it's tentacles which are mainly beige, and it's like always eating in my tanks... so it's happy color is beige with faint green, and when stressed it looks brilliant emerald. I have a LOT of it if someone wants some. Sell or trade. It is a stony coral though, so does need proper skimming, supplements, lighting etc and space to grow, which it probably will do quickly. It doubles in size every 6 months for me. It will puke its guts out to sting and digest neighbors if it gets too close, so should definitely have at least 2" on a side that the flow could carry it. No sweepers though, far as I am aware. Definitely very easy for a stony coral. Thanks for the kind words about the fish, I feel awful. He was a real jerk to the other fish sometimes but that is my fault not his, it was his nature to chase, and for all I know that is a good thing. I would recommend a similar wrasse to anyone with a very large tank, the right tankmates and a good lid. Even then he can jump when you open it to feed. He thought I was going to feed and got a little too excited, lept at my hand and went out of the tank. So now I have one tang, one pencil wrasse, a pair of scooter blennies and a goby. Some people think I need more fish, I am not sure. They do look bored now, definitely are not moving around as much. Probably not a healthy situation in the long term, they don't get any of the exercise they'd get fighting waves and evading predators in the wild and now they don't even have this wrasse to get their butts moving... they will be the piscatorial version of couch potatoes. I am contemplating ordering a few fish from a Hawaiian collector before these remaining fish get too convinced that they rule. Still on the market for a bigger tank too, might make my own. Anyone got one they want to get rid of super cheap? I hate being poor. Cuts into my spending, bigtime. Kate
  2. Is the PFO pendant socket a 400 watt or smaller? I can use one with the 175/250 watt socket, have an old 250 watt mag ballast to wire it to. I am definitely interested in the 2 20L glass tanks if you still have them, are you available tomorrow? Got a migraine, today is out. Thanks, Kate
  3. I am sorry the link did not work and more sorry the fish has not made it. I could not find a single missing scale or any damage on his body, but he died. Must have had an internal injury. Poor fish, I will miss him. Really should have had a better tank. Here is a bad picture of him: http://i109.photobucket.com/albums/n72/electrokate/My%20aquariums/whipfinunderhydnaphora.jpg[/img]"] He was much more intense than that though. Kate
  4. Still available? I can come by tomorrow. Cash or trade. trade would be orange/magenta or acid green zoanthids or 4 heads of hammer coral. I have some other stuff but that's not worth that much (: Need better lighting, like they use at Upscales. Kate
  5. Whipfin wrasse, male adult 12 bucks today only SE Portland... http://www.fishbase.org/summary/spec...y.php?id=10615 Click on photo on above site, they are accurate for pattern but this guy is WAY more vivid pink and orange. This guy needs a BIG tank with sand bottom to sleep in. He will keep your sand bright white this way as he turns it over, he does not eat coral, shrimp, hermits or snails. He is however a bully to other wrasses and will carpet surf if you don't have a good lid. He is 12 bucks because I just picked him up with my hand-he jumped out of the tank right in front of me. So he may have some skin damage. They are tough though, he has been in captivity for a year and never gets sick or infected skin, even after fights. His main color is pink with orange top fin and he can turn ultramarine blue on the paler belly and tail but it only lasts a few seconds. You will see this in photos sometimes and in the above site-it does not represent the usual color of this fish, they only do it when in the mood to attract females, a female does not have to be visible. He eats all frozen food, and formula one pellets. He is big and fat like a wild fish. I have a 55 and it looks like I can't afford the planned upgrade so he has to go. A 180 would be ideal. If I don't find him a home today will probably take him to the LFS, since I already have him in the bag. Good home only, established tank with daily feedings necessary or he may decide those hermits look good after all (: I am kinda sentimental about my fish, so please do take me seriously about the large tank/good home/frequent feedings thing... he is a great fish and does not deserve a small tank. Kate
  6. I would like to go but first off are there any cats or dogs or other furry pets? I am allergic... I would be a new member. Used to go to the freshwater club meetings (GPAS) but they are weekdays when I work, and have gotten exceedingly boring (: I have a 55 and a 20 going, the 20 is for frags. I keep lots of beginner type stuff, as have lost sps in the past with RTN and other problems and am perhaps overly cautious about selecting only the hardiest of corals. So you guys probably will not like my frags, except maybe the people eaters and gorgonians. I would like to be breeding some type of marine fish but am not at present, though I have a pair of red scooter blennies-male still in quarantine-and am looking for a pair of black "perculas". Who is not? (: Could use some cultures especially rotifers, N oculata and if possible Acartia tonsa pods with a food they can grow on. I have raised peppermint shrimp to maturity but only 8 and that was a while ago. And dwarf seahorses but they are almost too easy (: Would also like to track down a blue and plum "kenya tree" I used to have, neon green sinularia (the hard one), purple and or green Pocillopora damicornis, and orange plating montipora. I also raise killifish, garden, paint and draw, and sew. So that is about it for me, hope to meet some of you soon! Thanks, Kate
  7. Hey Amanda, It's Kate from World of Wet Pets/Eric's store... sorry to hear this owner is selling out, I know how much work you have been doing on these critters. I hope you are keeping some of the babies (: If you get in a tight spot with fry let me know, you can drop them off for me at WOWP and I will give you some cash. I am hatching SF bay BBS daily now and would do my best, have raised peppermint shrimp to settlement in the past so it can't be worse than that... used to have dwarf seahorses too. Also I am wondering about the 72 bowfront, is it drilled? What is that setup going for? Probably can't afford it, I work retail and spend all my money on fish (: But it's worth checking on. I do have a gorgonian frag for you, they are doing so well I cut some more. There is one in the coral tank at work but it's not for sale yet. Not attached. Kate
  8. Hey Amanda, It's Kate from World of Wet Pets/Eric's store... sorry to hear this owner is selling out, I know how much work you have been doing on these critters. I hope you are keeping some of the babies (: If you get in a tight spot with fry let me know, you can drop them off for me at WOWP and I will give you some cash. I am hatching SF bay BBS daily now and would do my best, have raised peppermint shrimp to settlement in the past so it can't be worse than that... used to have dwarf seahorses too. Also I am wondering about the 72 bowfront, is it drilled? What is that setup going for? Probably can't afford it, I work retail and spend all my money on fish (: But it's worth checking on. I do have a gorgonian frag for you, they are doing so well I cut some more. There is one in the coral tank at work but it's not for sale yet. Not attached. Kate
  9. Hi, I have a big Chocolate tang that needs a better home. Thought I had a thread going on this but can't find it... if anyone already spoke up for this let me know, and many apologies! This fish was a mimic of the eibli angel and still shows some traits of that species but has the orange rim on the tail and throat of the adult chocolate tang. These pictures are very close: http://www.amonline.net.au/fishes/fishfacts/fish/apyroferus.htm I can't get a good picture of my fish because he is constantly hiding in my 55. He's like 5 inches long in body alone and I don't blame him for hiding. He is fat and healthy though, keeps my tank free of hair algae and browses any glass not scraped as well, and supposedly eats bryopsis though I can't confirm that... He does not eat bubble algae. He needs a very large tank as he is a powerful and energetic swimmer, and he also likes to have a couple caves which he will dig under and enlarge. Last place he lived was a 72 with no substrate or rock (just coral), and included a trio of flasher wrasses, a bangai cardinal and a raccoon butterfly. He did not fight with any of those fish though displayed a lot of desire to fight the raccoon. Owner before that one said he was mean and killed everything, yet last owner had no trouble and I can't see much going on in my tank, though he does display with the niger trigger. Never had ich, no diseases or flatworms in tank. If you want a unique tang that will not get too big for a large tank and don't want to deal with the health risks of online ordering or pet store fish, check out this fish. I am in the Hollywood area of Portland close to 84. Thanks, Kate
  10. Hey, I have been looking for this for a while (and the baby blue and plum one I used to have). Next time you have a frag or two of this can you give me a heads up? I'd buy them or trade. Thanks, Kate B
  11. here are some pictures. They are really bad, sorry. Everything is dusty from storage and quite tangled. I unwired the VHO after taking the picture because I could not separate it from the 2x 96 watt pc. Like I said this stuff is all as far as I know working but has no real cash value. If you can use it and have something to trade let me know. I found out I paid far more for the workhorse used than I would have new. Figures. Didn't even use it more than a few months. Thanks, Kate
  12. Hi, Sorry... It took a while to get approved to start posting, then I got sick and then had to do family xmas stuff so been bad about getting online. I am trying to post pictures. I did not want money for this stuff, just frags or trades, I have no idea of their value. You can buy the 2x 96 watt pc retrokit and the dual vho kit at hello lights for 50 bucks. The workhorse 7 was 75 but the rubber sleeves on the sockets are pretty worn out so they are not really watertight anymore. I am thinking like 20 bucks each worth of zoanthids or soft coral cuttings on that stuff. I have a pair of electronic halide ballasts that are like new, those have mogul sockets at this time. 50 for the pair? They are 175 watt mogul or 150 watt DE according to the guy I bought them from. They come with reflectors and very used XM 10K's. The nice PC fixtures I have no idea. Make an offer? They were quite spendy. The T5 retrokit I decided not to sell because I think it is broken. I dropped the ballast trying to test it. Will try and get the photos up in the next hour. Thanks, Kate
  13. Hi, I would like to get a frag of neon green sinularia, if that is available. Like colorful softies in general. Might want the fiji yellow too if that is still around. My email is kbird@munat.com... I am kinda bad about checking it and will be out of town til after xmas anyways. Hope that is ok. Can pick up end of next week ie 27th or 28th or over the weekend. Thanks, Kate
  14. Hey, I had a fishroom in Olympia and moved to Hawaii then to Portland. Opening my storage locker I realized I saved WAY more gear than I need. None of this is super valuable used, but would be worth trading for a frag or two. So if you need any of this let me know: 36" 2 x 65 watt PC light by All Glass-reflectors far better than other brands and is UL listed. Must be used with cover glass though. Bring your bulbs to test. 24" 1 x 65 PC light by All Glass w/ well used bulb to test unit both units are clean but the reflectors have some spots from salt splash. 2x 96 watt pc retrofit kit currently with square bulb sockets but I think I have linear too. Electronic ballast, no reflector though. From Hellolights, used about 1 year. 2x 96 watt ballast wire and sockets for linear pin pc or ? it's a workhorse 7 ballast and the sockets are fitted with rubber protective sleeves which are cracking. used at least 2 years. 2x 36" or 48" VHO waterproof endcaps w/ ARO AS 220 electronic ballast. Nice cables, from Hellolights used about 1 year 2x 36" T5 HO with reflectors + waterproof sockets. Need someone to test with new bulbs though. Can't fire it, probably screwed up the wires. Triad electronic ballast, sold by Sunlight Supply used > 3yrs still with original bulbs. Also have a pair of 175/150 watt electronic halide ballasts with mogul sockets, ugly parabolic reflectors and a couple used 10K XM bulbs to test em with, I could be persuaded to part with the pair. I did not trim any of the wires when I set those up so they are LONG. I don't want to part with all this gear, just probably half to 2/3... so if you need anything from the list, let me know. What I like-aquacultured frags of: Unusual and colorful zoanthids, ricordeas, montiporas, and softies IE blue, green or purple nephthya types. tonga yellow softies. Dwarf seahorses. Cynarinas. Black perculas. Live sand starts and pod cultures. My tank has not been up very long so can't take delicate SPS but eventually want birds nest, pocilloporas and something cool I saw at a public aquarium in Maui labeled "potato chip coral". They didn't think the patrons or guides were due for scientific names (: I think it was Pavona cactus. Not too into acroporas as never have a tank big enough to really enjoy em. Thanks, Kate B Will post pictures after moderators approve me-I am new to the list so probably am being screened at this point. Also not sure anyone wants this stuff so don't want to spend hours photographing it (:
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