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Everything posted by jadams7

  1. I may be, what do ya got? the tank is filling up pretty quickly but im open to seeing what you have
  2. Ok so first off, I have 3 Apollo Reef LED lighting setups. The first one is a gen 1, 12k, used for about 7 months. Works great, I just upgraded to the new model, all boxed up and ready to go - $240 SOLD SOLD The other two I have are brand new, in box. They are the new Solarblast Ultra model (non dimmable). These new models have added moonlights, changed up a few things including the housing (now aluminum, with moonligts, better hanging kit, and a few other little things). Also the color on these is more blue than the originals. Truer to a 14k. I am in the process of hanging this one on my 57g tank right now and it looks sweet, and they seem to have a bit better spread than the generation 1's! For these, I would like $300 each. NEW PRICE $275, ONE STILL AVAILABLE Here is a link to the website: http://apolloreefled.com/shop/solarblast-ultra/ Here is a link with the light (dimmable version, same light though) being compared to the AI Sol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qC0barSQf2M I also have a 250w electronic ballast, with large SE lumenarc reflector, and I will throw in a couple used bulbs I have had lying around. -$100 for all of it SOLD SOLD I have a great condition, VERY lightly used lumenmax 3 pendant (DE) all packed up in original box -$70 NEW PRICE $60, STILL AVAILABLE I think I have a couple new 250w DE bulbs somewhere too, I can make ya a deal on them as well if interested. I regularly make trips down to Portland, and often Salem. I am also willing to split shipping costs on the LED lights if you would prefer to have them shipped.
  3. edit...for some reason I couldnt see what I posted so I had to re-type it...twice
  4. edit...for some reason I couldnt see what I posted so I had to re-type it...twice
  5. Yea mine will have little bumps fall off any time they are touched it seems. I have had a few larger chunks fall off as well without anything more than my hand moving them. The magnets are also really weak. We should all try to join up and contact to see if there is anything they can do for us, since we all bought at the same time and are having issues. Not that I am using mine in my display any more, but that is mainly because with black sand, having to pick out little white flecks of this rock all the time just is not worth it.
  6. Do it! I really like the dimensions of these tanks. Good quality build on the tank itself too.
  7. Thanks guys, I am liking it so far. I will be mounting the rest of the corals here soon, and have a few more goodies showing up today. I will try to get some better pictures once things get mounted.
  8. Ok here is a bit of an update. The past couple of weeks were pretty busy. I grabbed my rock and corals from Roger, (rock one week, corals the next). Everything seems to be happy and extending out like I would have hoped. I also got Aquaman30k's carpet anemone in a trade I did with him a while back. He has been kind enough to keep it for me this long. Everything is looking pretty healthy, next up will be mounting the corals on the sand onto the rock, to keep everything real clean looking. Got the skimmer running a couple days ago as well, and it is pulling out some good crap already! For the future...looking for suggestions for fish, any ideas?? I dont want many, just a couple cool ones ya dont see every day.
  9. Thanks for the clarification on that for me. As for now i think I will just run it without the tube, I like the idea of it being louder should anything go wrong. Also with the amount of flow I am running, should both of the regular drains get clogged up for whatever reason, the emergency can handle the full amount, unless something clogged up that one too...and if all 3 get clogged, I have bigger problems at that point haha
  10. Yep, there is a hole drilled in the middle cap. The overflow system works great, I have not added in a tube as of yet, mainly because I do not see the point. Why would a tube sticking out sucking air be better off than that same cap without a tube? Am I missing something here because it runs amazing without it, and if I can save one more trip to Lowes I'm all for it.
  11. Ask and you shall receive! For flow in the tank, I have a mp10 running right now, I also have an MP40w ES (that I would like to sell off to get two more mp10s), and then the return split off with two flow accelerators. Getting plenty of flow right now with just the return and mp10 running, but we will see what I do once I get my rock in there. And here is what I am doing for a sump (for now). I plan on getting a better sump, but in the mean time I am just using a 20g long. Running a mag7 for a return, filter sock, heater, and my new cone skimmer. Pretty basic setup in there so far. I added a light so the sump area can be lit if I want, other than that, nothing too crazy so far. The sump will probably be the first area I upgrade after the holidays.
  12. There was an edge cut down for an external already, but it needed some work still with polishing up the edge, and the cut wasnt all that even. I wanted to have a black back, and decided it might just be easier to put a black acrylic piece over the back instead of trying to paint the back and then try to attach an overflow so that I wouldnt see the box line from the inside of the tank (if that makes sense). Hindsight being what it is, I could have just rotated the acrylic piece I got around to be external, had the acrylic wall taken down to match the cut out overflow area, save me a couple inches, and still look fine from the inside most likely. But I was really nervous about the bonding of glass to acrylic where the seam would be the only thing keeping out the water, and having all of my water flowing out from that point, so I went this route instead. Either probably would have worked out just fine, I was just being a little picky when it came down to it.
  13. Thanks! I am toying around with possibly drilling some rock, and using acrylic rods to raise it up off of the sand bed, but we will see. Its hard to plan stuff out without my rock here in front of me.
  14. Actually yes, thanks for reminding me. Dave is going to be building me a little piece to cover up the plumbing that matches the stand, I just need to get him the dimensions. I wanted to wait until all of the plumbing was done so I knew what I would need. And yep, the wife has already made it known that she wants a cover for them! haha
  15. Thanks! We will have to meet up at some point soon, I am going through reef withdrawals with no stores around here!
  16. So long story short, my company was going to move me far far away, and at the last minute found us a spot closer to home in Longview Washington! We were very happy we didnt have to move far away, and after selling off a good portion of my saltwater stuff, I get to start a new tank now that we are all settled into our new place in Longview. We are renting a place, so I did not want to set up anything that might get anyone angry, so I am setting up a 57g Oceanic Illuminata Peninsula style so it will be viewable by both sides. I had Dave (davey jones locker) build me the stand, and he did an awesome job! After we got the stand from Dave, I drilled my holes for the overflow. I want to try to run the beananimal overlow that I have heard great things about... Charles (wannareef) built me a sweet black acrylic overflow and back panel that I attached and started the plumbing... and about 200 trips to Lowes later... So after going wild with the silicone around all the bulkheads, I attached my light holder, and set everything in place... And I am going to try black sand out this time around. I know I will most likely regret it, but its one of those lessons I know I am going to have to learn the hard way. Plus it was one of the selling points for the wife on having a tank that sticks out from the wall. The idea is to do a minimalist tank. Have smaller amounts of rock in the tank, and load up the little room I do have in the sump with rock. So as it sits now, the tank has just been cycling with water. I will grab a couple pictures here of the sump. Over Christmas break I will be grabbing all of my live rock from Roger (Mr S) who has been great in holding my livestock for me until I was all ready for it. About a week after that, I will be grabbing my corals from him as well.
  17. Really well done. I did a foam background, and know how much work goes into it, let alone one of this quality. Awesome shapes, and like Nate said, one of the best ones ive seen out there.
  18. Hey Josh I think me and Roger (Mr S) are planning on going, we can all split gas and carpool it up if you want!
  19. Good point, I didnt even think of the calcium factor. Did you have a problem with being annoyed by random pieces of white sand or shells that ended up in there? Or was it something that wasnt that big of a deal once its all in there?
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