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Posts posted by twogirls

  1. Too bad, well hang in thier. I hope this don't last to long, but it dose not sound good. When you get back on your feet and start a new system hit me up and I can give you some frags to get your new one started. I always got some to spare.

  2. I have 2 frags of the 1st picture from above. The other frag has about 3 times as many polyps as the one pictured.


    I also have these two.

    The first one is green with yellow eyes. There is also 2 or 3 polyps that are green with neon green eyes. There are 75+ on this frag.


    The 2nd one is brown with orange and white with yellow. There are 40+ polyps on this frag.


    Let me know if and what you are intersted in trading.



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