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Posts posted by kriswaters

  1. Thanks dsoz for waiting until you had all of the info. Others here knew about my DIY rock...and those in the process of undergoing the same understood. I did re-read my post, and it was confusing...still, I myself try to obtain all info before forming an opinion. I am sure my reply was harsh, but imagine my offense, especially after the great care I have taken to set things up correctly.


    In all honesty, I some times cringe about posting anything on any forum...you never know how some one else will take it or respond to it. I just want to be part of a group that shares my interests and learn from those who have done it right and who have done it wrong, with out feeling as if I am a total idiot.


    As for the fish, they are doing great! The clown has found his way around the entire tank, but still sticks close to the overflow box. The wrasse is happy darting in and out of the rock work. Both are eating well.


    I have a "macro" on the camera...but at 3 MP even the 10x zoom is not that great. The pics of the feather duster turned out ok, but that little clown is wiggly! I will try the tri-pod, as I am sure my hand is not that steady!! I already know what I will be asking Santy Claus for christmas!!!



  2. why would you go spend your money on fish if you tank is not perfect. seriously



    Perhaps you should obtain a little more info prior to making such a rash comment. My TANK is perfect. It is the DIY rock, that is kept in a seperate container, that ISN'T. Seriously.



  3. I don't know about the rock...I haven't even tested the calcium in it yet. Still struggling with the PH. I am trying to do water changes everyday...I have been bad with that lately. As for the fish pics...here they are...


    The Wrasse and the feather dusters



    "Nemo"...yeah I know, but my daughter had to name him that!



    Closer shot



    Right now, the clown is hosted to the bottom of my overflow box LOL! He is a little guy, but both him and "Grumpy" the Wrasse are eating well. I will try to get some better pics of the clown...these are a little out of focus.



  4. After 70 days (give or take a few), I took the plunge and bought some fishies.


    1) Six Line Wrasse

    1) Percula Clown (waiting for another to come in)

    1) Feather Duster (that turned in to two...what a bonus)


    The tank is looking good. I am still waiting for my DIY rock to stabilize. The PH is still off the charts. I am hoping to get the fuge going here in the next few weeks. The snails and hermits are doing a great job of keeping things clean, but still waiting for some Nassarius Snails from my LFS. All the params are stable...and I am (slowly) on my way! (whistle)



  5. Then your getting the wrong kind of fish... (laugh) (laugh) (laugh) (laugh)


    (clap) I will avoid those fishes that tromp, kick and buck you off....hopefully the ones that bite as well..


    As for the MH's...T5's for me for now. I couldn't afford the electric bill on those puppies!!!




  6. I finally got all of my lights. I will definately need to add a small fan in the sump area during the summer! It heated the tank up quite well with all four going.


    The snails are well...just picked up a few more margarita snails. I know they aren't suppose to last in warmer water, but they clean the rocks so well!!!!


    Along with the 2 mexican turbos and another "conch" type and 4 little blue legged hermits...the tank is looking better.


    I am researching livestock to "clean my sand" now. I have had alot of people say that gobies do well.


    Any imput from you all would be great.


    On another note, my first batch of live rock is nearly done. I did a water change today and will measure the PH tomorrow. If ok, I will move it to some RO water and retest it again. Hopefully, it will add some depth to my aquascape. I just refinshed my bathroom and made about 50lbs more with left over mortar. It is soaking as of today. Hopefully it will turn out as well.


    Will update with a few pics soon.



  7. My lights arrived today, but unfortunately three out of the four were broken. You would thinik that with all the fragile stickers they would be a little more careful. Anyways the moon lights look "totally wicked".(squirt from finding nemo)"fin, noggin, dude!!!"


    I requested, nicely, for replacement ASAP, we'll see what happens!



  8. Had the same problem as you. Tank looked soooo bad. Bought four snails for a 55gal about a week ago. The rocks are sparkling! They are working on the acrylic now.


    I think two are the Margarite snails (I've heard they don't last long) and two are small guys with black bodies and very cool green stripes.


    They are workers!



  9. Oh the money....I used to show horses and drop 1k easily at a horse show. This is a much cheaper hobby....trust me. Plus the fish don't kick, tromp, run you over, step on your foot, buck you off or dump you in a huge jump!


    As for the time and patience...."it's in there".



  10. Find a pump store like Pearson's or something, or a store that sells pond suppliesor Home depot. They carry "spa flex" which is flexible PVC. I have been told that it will lessen the noise from vibration as well...unlike the rigid PVC. The nice thing is that the Inside and Outside diameters match the ridig stuff. One day, I will re-do with that!


    I like the fact that I drilled on the top. It gave me a little piece of mind should something fail.



  11. I just emptied out some nasty guck from the skimmer today. For now I will hold off on any mods. I would like to find that balance between under and over skimming! For now it is working wonders. The snails have contributed greatly...albeit the only realize there is rock on one side of the tank LOL. They have eaten as well as kicked up alot of junk and the tank is looking pretty good. I ordered my lights the other day. Hopefully GOOD lighting will improve the situation.



  12. Do either of you have trouble with restarts??? BTW...Got 4 snails today...those puppies have gone non-stop. The already have half of my rock clean!!! I pumped up the skimmer to "wet" and the junk the snails are letting loose is making some nice (if you can call it that) skimmate. Hopefully, in a day or two, I will have some nice clean pics.


    Its been 22 days....


    Ph 8.2

    Alk 4.0



    Ammon...nil...and has been since the start

    temp 79

    salinity 1.025

  13. Interesting about the venturi....I broke it off one day while fiddling with it. I then super glued it back on and wondered?? This doesn't get much air! I will try that one. What type of mesh did you use for the needle wheel? How did you attach it? As for the elbow from the pump to the skimmer...elaborate on that as I don't quite understand.


    Thanks for the info.



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