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Everything posted by rudeanduncouth

  1. Wow, that is cool. My friends and I periodically go out to all the bars in Troy. I am originally from Kellogg actually. A little bigger than Troy but not much.
  2. Always been my name no intention of changing.
  3. Hmmm....something I prefer to not have to deal with. I have had a lot of crap stolen from me and it doesn't really make me very happy.:mad: Not that I have anything expensive but I have replaced more freakin' game consoles.
  4. Here is the thing. I don't have a job. I have lived in Moscw for the past five years going to school. I have switched majors too many times to count and I need a break. I am going to move up to my Dad's place for a few months and then down there when I have money. Sounds like the electricity is just a touch more down there. I pay $0.056 for the first 500 KWH then $0.065 after that. I have 3x400w MH and 2x80w VHO for my tank. Could get kinda pricey if it was too expensive. Well, I am not a yuppie but any means. Like I said before I have never lived in a big city (I feel like a hick saying that) so don't really know what you mean by rough.
  5. I have actually found a lot two bedrooms for under $600. I have no idea where they are and what condition they are in though. I was actually thinking it was nice that it seems like the landlords actually want you to move in around there. I live in a town of about 20,000 and has a University of about 13,000 people. Housing is a premium. Housing is actually cheaper down there than it is here. Your wages are a lot better as well.
  6. Well, ideally I am looking for a two-bedroom because I have a lot of crap. Budget wise...ummm cheap. I was thinking I could probably afford $600 a month or so. Another really important question: How much do you pay for a kilowatt hour?
  7. This might be an important question too. I live in an area when I can safely, and without problems use my tap water. However, I am kinda doubting that will be the case down there.
  8. I really haven't completely decided on where in Portland. My brother, who lives down there now, but will be gone by the time I get down there, suggested SE Portland. Moscow is about 8 hours away so it isn't that bad of a drive especially since I have to move my tank.
  9. I am coming from Moscow, ID. Yeah, basically. I have never lived in a town over 25,000 before so this is a bit different experience for me.
  10. Hello, I am moving to the Portland area before too long, probably in a few months. Just wondering if there is anything advice for the area you can give. Also when the times comes I am sure I will need a bit of help moving the tank. Thanks
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