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Posts posted by Reefin'

  1. I don't know how much coral u have in there, but u might consider pulling out a couple of rocks at a time . And have the copperband pick the rocks clean in a different tank set up for it.....just and idea... That's what I do with my aiptasia in my clowfish/ anemone tanks .. I pull out rock and plants and place in fowlr tank where mr.copperband's Cleanin service reside....... Then return rocks. ......outsourcing :-)

  2. No clams definitely.... And I found out recently the hard way that they have a likin for sea lettuce nudibranchs.....some pick at stuff some dont .....I would use it for the job intended and then remove if worried it won't start to pick if it does until its out of worms to eat. They love aiptasia :-).... hth

  3. Carpet


    Hey kevin, my carpet is up right and 3/4 inflated at nite. Do u have sand in your tank. These anemones like to have their foot in the sand...and attach to the bottom below the sand..maybe create a shallow depression in the sand against a rock and place the anemone there. Becareful cause their stickier than......hth

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