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Posts posted by oldbrownies

  1. lol, If you want I'll sell you some frags? but you'd have to come out to my neighborhood this time.


    I would like a blender with a duller blade, it just has to still work and not leak. Going to try take some Mushrooms to a friend's science class and blend em up so the kids can watch em grow into new shrooms.

    I've got some nice plump striped mushrooms that are 3" in diameter, nice and blendable.

  2. One BTA curled up in a death ball for more than three days but luckily never let go of the rock. I thought for sure it was dying but couldn't figure out why (water tests all fine). Today' date=' it's fully out as if nothing was wrong. Does this just happen sometimes?[/quote']


    From what I've seen, mine do this on occasion, if you are feeding them silversides and not disturbing them when they do this they should be fine. also try feeding mysis shrimp to them they do like those as a snack, just take some frozen mysis and thaw them out enough that they break apart when you put it in the water, and just scatter them around the anemone, they will catch a few and they love em

  3. I'm lookin for an old used blender and a few clear 2 liter bottles, only like 5, I never drink soda so they are hard to get at my house.


    Two guesses what I'm doing



    I've got some Orange Crush zoos, some bright green digi frags and some purple tip brown digis, spaghetti leather coral frags...

    pics here


    Leather, purple tip digi, and zoos



    Leather and both digi's


  4. I'm trying to decide if I want to keep this one, its a neoprene gasket material that I cut, but I think I might just use it as a base to absorb vibrations from the pumps and get something else, its just too stiff

  5. And here is the dual chamber CA reactor, It still needs the pump plumbed on, and it doesn't have a gasket cut yet, but its almost ready.

    oh, that second hose there on the main chamber is so i can take water out of chamber one to test it without having to put a probe in the top of the device




  6. I told myself this time I make something, I'm going to take pictures the whole way through so people can see the process...


    Well, that didn't happen, but here is one of my new Kalk reactors in the first water test...



  7. Oh I just thought of another one,

    Put some small LR rubble (rough stuff 1-2inches in size) in your overflow, not enough that they are piled up. If you have an over the edge kind, put it in the back compartment and let it sit underwater, its a goldmine for little pods and bugs and miniature shrimps, its also incredibly efficient at catching detritus that flows through. It slows the water down a little around the rock and the gunk falls out of suspension, vacuum it out on occasion, and collect the pods for fish food

  8. I was reading a few old posts and I noticed some neat tricks that might get lost in time, notably Ronjunior's use of a mirror to aquascape his two sided tank.


    Does anyone else have little usefull tips they might like to share? If you do post em here and we can all learn a few handy tricks



    Here's what I can think of right now...


    To save on salt, I use my reef display's water to do my water changes on my FOWLR tank, I used to have a bad algae issue in that tank (I was using the same source water too), but ever since I started doing it this way the hair and almost all of the cyano has dissapeared too, and coralines are growing like crazy in it too.


    Another tip, water from your dehumnidifier is NOT the same as distilled, don't even think of recycling unless you are using it on your plants! I saw a couple posts on other sites where people said they were thinking about using that water to save on water bills, I tested my RO, tap, dehumidifier water, and ro water put into a bucket that i hadn't rinsed after a water change yesterday, RO was at 0 (yay me), tap was 32, dehumidifier water wat 63, water in "unclean" 5 gallon bucket was 36.

  9. Kalk paste and peppermint shrimp combo worked great for me. I used peppermint shrimp for the refugium only. They cleared out all the little and medium buggers in two days. The kalk was deadly for my hard to get ones in the fuge and display. Just keep at it. It took me four months to get it under control. Kalk is cheaper than joes juice too. Don't forget to check your overflow too.




    pepermint shrimp are too risky. I've used them before for aitpasia control and instead of aiptasia they always ate the corals. I'm much more concerned about the majano anemones reproducing like crazy and walking around the tank, not the 4 aiptasia I've got sitting in there

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