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Posts posted by reefhut

  1. Hey all...We've been brewing alot of beer lately..I'm looking for any 6 Gallon salt bucket. (Kent 200g , Instant Ocean 200g) The 150gallon buckets are 5 gallon and won't work. So if you have some you would like to get rid of let me know. Oh BTW they can't be scratched up(sanitizeing reasons).

  2. My two cents...


    Who cares what OIAB dose and what price he gets for his corals. He has overhead just like every other fish(coral) store. If he sells it cheaper, thats his business. People saying "Bad for business" Thats a bunch of bull, I know how perry could be affended and frusrated...He's just trying to servive these hard economic time just like everyone else. LFS know what I'm talking about. If someone thinks Perry owes you something...think again.


    For what it's worth Perry you go dude!


    BTW if you want killer LE corals with awesome color?? It's worth the trip!

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