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Your experience with TMPCC.


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Great stuff kills pretty much any pest or bug there is. I use it for all my dips. Its gotten pretty spendy, last year i could get a bottle for 10 bucks it seems its up to 15-20 now. I typically do at least 2X strength as I notice it didn't kill some things at the suggested concentration.


I'm almost out of my last bottle so i picked up some TLF Revive coral cleanser. Smells like pinesol but seems to work just as good. I've only done 1 dip with it, and will be doing another tomorrow. My first impression is that it is less stressful to the corals.

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I have used both products that were stated above. And yes the Revive smells like a cleaner(laugh) At first it made me think when I mixed it up. But I like the TMPCC better as it seemed to work better for me on certain pests. The Revive works well to for things and yes seemed a lot nicer on the corals than the TMPCC. I bought both of mine last year so price wise can not tell whats been going up.


What type of nudis are you talking about?

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I did my first dip in Revive at the suggested dosage yesterday and the corals barely even slimed up afterward. Lots of dead pods, brittle stars, worms in the tub afterward.


I haven't had the chance to see it work against AEFW, which happens to be what i'm dipping for. I think my 1st dip in TMPCC took em all out. I'd like to see if it makes them wriggle with pain like TMPCC does.

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dang because the pump piece hasn't ever worked so I just pour in whatever looks like it will be enough. Last time the water looked like blood, you couldn't even see through it, but my zoa's showed a dramatic difference the very next day. Maybe I just got lucky and dosed the right amount

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