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Volunteer diving at the Oregon Coast Aquarium

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Well, let me be the first to post in this forum(clap)


I have been a volunteer diver at the Aquarium for about a year and a half now, and have enjoyed it tremendously. A great bunch of people, and the best viz on the Oregon coast! If there are any advanced level divers out there that want to spend some time in the water, year round, check this out:




It's a blast!

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I've wanted to do this for years, but the drive is just too long for me. Did a lot of work as a research diver for Scripps, Woods Hole, and worked for USGS and MMS while I was a diver for the UC system. Maybe some day when I retire I can get into some aquarium diving as a volunteer.




May look into taking the habitat diver module for fun some time though depending o the duration of the program.

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Michael 7979:

I have dove with Michael at the OCA before, I believe he is a shift captain on Fridays. Great guy!



Most of the divers do not live in Newport. There are many people that drive from the Portland area, and I'm sure you could work out a carpool situation. There are divers from as far away as Tacoma.



I've been diving for 24 years now, and still love it. You should check into it more.



I'm sure you'd have a lot of fun doing it, hope you will come blow bubbles with us!

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You have to pay $225 and $45 insurance to clean their glass?

I'll spit in your mask, give you a squeegee, and serve you lunch and only charge you $100 to clean my glass.

Actually it does sound like a lot of fun!

Are there statistics on single 20 something males that buy expensive BC's, dive computers, and wetsuits just to turn around and try to dump them on Craig's List one year later?

Oh what the H...! Kevin, just come over and I'll spit in your mask for free. No buddy breathing, though.

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Is that true????? I didnt check the link but 225.00+ insurance seems a little steep.


I will take you out in a boat and put out a flag for less then that. When do you all want to go?


I will even let you collect me a limit of crabs and shoot a lingcod and a couple seabass for fish taco's for me.


Let me know when you can get four guys to fill the boat because I dont like to make less then a grand a day.

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It does look like a great opportunity. I, personally think PADI is PADIng the training a bit. I half expect then to come out with "Diving With Fireworks In Wrecks Under The Ice, Level 1,2,&3".

Then again I made my first dive i an ocean entry in 8 foot waves by buddy breathing without any training. Not the best way, maybe?

Do the training.

PS: I don't shoot lingcod, but I'll put a 357 slug in a clam any day.

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Actually, it was a clever ploy to determine your age.

Barney Miller a popular TV Series from, evidently, a long time ago.

Yemana: [when he's stoned on the brownies with the hashish] Barney, Barney, Barney, is your mother from Killarney?

[a minute later]

Yemana: What do you say we guys go down to the beach, and shoot some clams?


I'm starting to feel like I was at the Lincoln-Douglas Debate.



I meant with a spear gun.


I am not sure about the .357 in a clam reference??





""PS: I don't shoot lingcod, but I'll put a 357 slug in a clam any day.""

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