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OK, MY SALINITY is really low 1.019 Need to get it back up to 1.023 How much should we do at a time and how often????


I have a 180 gal tank with a 30 gal Sump.


We have been putting some (Not sure exact amount my husbands been doing it.) in the filter in the sump off and on since last night but it does not seem to be going up.



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If it were me, I'd start topping off with pre-mixed salt water instead of RO to replace evaporation. That should raise it slowly. Although I'm not sure how much evaporates from your tank. I go through 1-2 gallons per day. I had a similar problem awhile back and this is how I did mine.

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How mush have you added? How many cups? Replacing evaporated water with ro/di is correct as the salinity doesn't change/evaporate. You said you have been adding salt and no change. Kinda scary. What are you using to check the level?

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Is this an established tank? If it is I would recommend you quit putting straight salt into your sump. You need to make up new saltwater at a higher salinity then your tank and then take out water from the tank and replace it with your newly made up saltwater.


To make up the new saltwater I would recommend a 5 gallon bucket or a new big ole trash can, a heater, powerhead and RO/DI water. Mix the salt and water, then heat and mix. You would mix for at least 24-48 hours if you have time, but if you need it in a hurry you can mix till the water tempature matches your tank.


You want to add a few gallons every 5 hours or so maybe longer until you reach the desired salinity. You may want to extend the addition of water time so as not to shock your system.


This is how I would do it. Someone on here may have a better way. :D Good Luck.



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Is this an established tank? If it is I would recommend you quit putting straight salt into your sump. You need to make up new saltwater at a higher salinity then your tank and then take out water from the tank and replace it with your newly made up saltwater.


To make up the new saltwater I would recommend a 5 gallon bucket or a new big ole trash can, a heater, powerhead and RO/DI water. Mix the salt and water, then heat and mix. You would mix for at least 24-48 hours if you have time, but if you need it in a hurry you can mix till the water tempature matches your tank.


You want to add a few gallons every 5 hours or so maybe longer until you reach the desired salinity. You may want to extend the addition of water time so as not to shock your system.


This is how I would do it. Someone on here may have a better way. :D Good Luck.




This is good advice! If you need to do it more quickly/or smaller quanity. Just use a 5g bucket and go that route until you bring it back up to where you wish it to be. If you have livestock in the tank GO SLOW as it will hurt them to go to fast.

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you can also put a big filter sock in your sump and add salt into the filter sock which will dissolve and slowly increase your salinity..thats what i did when i found out my salinity was 1.015 because my salinity monitor wasn't correct...and the salt crystals wont get into your display tank and disturb your corals

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Ok, It is a very well established tank, we have had the 180 since July of 2007 and before that everything came out of my 120 and 75 which was a year and a half old.


We have been putting it in the filter sock in the sump About a cup every couple hours when he was home but not since this morning. we started last night so probably a total of 4 cups so far.


Yes I have been Running my tank about that salinity for a few months now because someone told us our salt meeter was off ( Coralife Deep Six) and IT WAS NOT. So everything in my tank has been dying and receding for quite a while now. Most of my Livestock is gone or about gone. SO WE WILL SEE WHAT SURVIVES AND THRIVES AFTER THIS MESS!

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2 to 2 1/2 cups of salt will only make up about 5-6g of water to about 1.021 or so.


So you have not put very much in at all if you have around 200g of total water.


Make up a very salty 1-2g batch of water up around 1.030, and the add that instead of just straight water for your top-off. Then test your water. It may take a few days but slowly is the best way.

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I highly reccomend a refractometer to measure salinity....much more accurate in the long run.


It Was a Refractometer that got me in this mess to begin with!!!!!!(nono)


Had my salt tested and my Hydrometer Tested and they are right on!!!


Went back to the "Original Place" That told me otherwise, to test my water again (same water as above) and They still told me my Salinity was at 1.023. I would have totaly lost everything if I did not get a second opinion. (MONTHS LATER, and a lot of Sad and /or Dead Corals and Dead Clams etc., Later!!!!) (sad)

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keep in mind that with all measuring instruments a refractometer needs to be calibrated too. when they are calibrated they are far more accurate and easier to use than the other methods. some people think that you can just float a hydrometer in the water and it will work but even a hydrometer needs to be calibrated and it must be used with a correctly sized beaker.


BTW, i keep my salinity at 1.019 usually. been doing that for years with great results. it may be a good time to do a full evaluation of the tank flow, and parameters to see if you may have another problem lurking.

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Thank you everyone for your help, imput and sugesstions! I now have my salt level up to 1.022 and Should be right back to normal in a day or so.


My Purple star polyps have started to peak out but so far nothing else seems to be doing any better. I am sure it will take some time, Hopefullly not too long my hammer coral has retracted and you do not see much for green on that skeleton.


Any one know how long till I see some Good Results? I want to see all my Babies Back:)

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My salinity also dropped a month ago 1.019 frog spawn went to skeleton ...snails all died.....i used the salt in the sump filter sock method ....took 3 days to get it back up...frog spawn still has not opened ....not skeleton anymore....just a little green bubbles ontop.....so been over 4 weeks....it has 2 new growths ....so i asume its still trying. I would check the alk and PO4 for a few days.

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A salinity of 1.019 should not kill things by itself. If things are dying, something else is wrong IME.


What does all other parameters are great look like in numbers? Not trying to give you a hard time, just trying to help you get you babies back.

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It was a refractometer that got me into same problem originally. But it was the calibration fluid that was bad, not the meter. I have since recalibrated ( with Issiac ) and have not had a problem, but I will admit that I went to the DEEP SIX Hydrometer float style and now use the Refractometer as a back up. Even after I claibrated it ...it will still fluctuate +/- 3 degrees....depends on the moon phase i think....It will test at 1.026....then a few minutes later 1.025.....a few minutes later 1.024 and hold there. I have left it out of the box to maintain room Temp and it seems to work a little better, but the DEEP SIX reads constant ...and I know its -1 below what Issacs same meter reads.


Good luck

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I check my SG every 2 to 3 days. I also keep a 1/2 gallon jug (tightly sealed) mixed up with VERY high, in fact, over saturated salt water. If my SG drops...I add a bit of this water and it equalizes.


The key here is frequent monitoring. If you check it because your livestock is suffering...it is beyond the point (usually) of salvaging. To date, I have about $500 worth of stuff...a few seconds to check - $0.00, calibration every 6 months - $0.00, knowing things are stable...priceless! (Gosh I hope it is ok that I used that catch phrase!)


I hope everything bounces back in your tank! Good luck.



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  • 4 weeks later...

MAYBE someone can Help!


OK so it has been what 3-4 weeks since We got the salinity under control! Most Everything is slowly coming back but the one thing I have not seen any positives out of is my Neon Green Star polyps. And now I am seeing some of the purple corline algea growing on the edges. CAN IT STILL COME OUT OF IT????? Here is a Pic that I took today!


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