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Rep power...?


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I hope not either!!!!! Anyone heard a bout the kid yet??? The REP Power still seems to be under debate. At least I have not heard how it will gel out. Getting them from other members is the best and most rewarding way. If this helps.... I'll take one:D

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hope we dont have another CA2OR here....


It just isn't the same. I'm so used to checking "New Posts" and seeing CA2OR as the last poster in all the threads. (laugh)


Where ya at Eric? Hope all went well with your wife and kid.

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I was about to start refering people to the PNWMAS/CA2OR website. sure has been quiet, hope everything went well for him.





I hope not either!!!!! Anyone heard a bout the kid yet??? The REP Power still seems to be under debate. At least I have not heard how it will gel out. Getting them from other members is the best and most rewarding way. If this helps.... I'll take one:D
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