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Clown Feeding Question


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I just got a pair of baby clowns they are about 1" or so.I've been feeding them frozen Mysis shrimp twice a day.I give them a 1/2 a cube in the AM(thawed of coarse)before I go to work & the other 1/2 about 12 hrs later when I get home.I've been feeding twice a day because they only seem to be eating the real small pieces of shrimp.Does this seem to be OK or am I over feeding?

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1 cube is a bit much for a bio-cube. Maybe try 1/4 cube twice a day. Then they only get half the amount.


At NR, they say to feed a nano every other day.


How are the nitrates and phosphates doing? Do you see any algae growing? If you keep up with water changes (at least 10% a week), you could be OK. If you start to see nitrates, or phosphates, or you get ANY algae growing, then cut back. Don't wait for it to be a problem to try to do something about it.



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I have heard that, orignally, Formula 1 was developed for clownfish breeders. YMMV. It also is kinda high in phosphates I believe. So moderation may be advisable. The 1/2 cube per day would easily feed the clowns or even cut back a bit and vary the diet. They get to be fun when they determine sexes.

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How are the nitrates and phosphates doing? Do you see any algae growing? If you keep up with water changes (at least 10% a week), you could be OK. If you start to see nitrates, or phosphates, or you get ANY algae growing, then cut back. Don't wait for it to be a problem to try to do something about it.




I picked up a Phosphate test kit today & they were 0. Nitrates were at 20.I did a 10% water change & retested for Nitrates & they were still at 20.

Other prams were Amm.=0 Nitrate=0 PH=8.4 Sal=31 SG=1.023(with a hand held refract.) Should I do another water change?

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Phosphate levels can be low with a test kit, but still present. When I have a question about phosphate, I take a sample of my water to Joel at Waves (or another fish store). He has a colorimeter, which measures phosphates at a really low level and is accurate. I think it can measure down to the 0.01 ppm level.



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