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Stupid questions about my tank equipment


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Ok so I just got my tank back. I haven't had it since Sept 2007. The thing is at one point I could tell you the spects. Now I can't remember much but the ligthing? Someone asked me what type of system skimmer, flow, etc and I'm clueless?


Anyone have any thoughts on how I can identify my flow and skimmers? Yeah I know... so lame I probably shouldn't have recieved them back (whistle)

I'd love some help. I've got about a million questions at this point???


I've got 125gallon reef tank. It's custom cut glass with back overflows. 25 gallon ref with bioballs (yeah.... my next question?). has a skimmer. No UV sterilizer (there's another question!).

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Ok so I just got my tank back. I haven't had it since Sept 2007. The thing is at one point I could tell you the spects. Now I can't remember much but the ligthing? Someone asked me what type of system skimmer, flow, etc and I'm clueless?


Anyone have any thoughts on how I can identify my flow and skimmers? Yeah I know... so lame I probably shouldn't have recieved them back (whistle)

I'd love some help. I've got about a million questions at this point???


I've got 125gallon reef tank. It's custom cut glass with back overflows. 25 gallon ref with bioballs (yeah.... my next question?). has a skimmer. No UV sterilizer (there's another question!).


Dont get us started on the UV vs Ozonizer debate. (enforcer)

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I know! I see how fueled the bio ball debate got and I really want to know about what iIshould do with mine but am afraid to ask!


Hope the store is going along as it should! Can't wait to come see after it's open! I've got a huge list for you :)

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Pictures are worth a lot more than a label.


The important thing for you is "does it work?"


People argue all the time about how this works for them and this does not work for them... If it works for you, then you are doing the right thing. If your system is stable, and your livestock healthy, then what you are doing is OK. There may be better ways to do things, but there is no exact science behind having a "perfect system." That is why there is so much debate.


If the bio-balls work for you, use them... I personally don't use them, but that is just because of hear-say evidence that they produce nitrates. I can live without more nitrates. :)


If the skimmer works for you, and it does what you want it to do (make a lot of skimmate) then use it. I personally have an undersized skimmer, and skim lightly. But that may be one of the reasons that I have a slight algae problem.


UV can help with some infections, but I feel that it also can kill some beneficial critters in the water column, so I don't use one. Nor do I have one, or want to get one.


Ozone can help reduce some of the organic sludge in your tank. It increases the redox potential, which helps oxidize some of the "gunk." While this may be important to some, it is not something I am lookig for, and I feel that it would cause more of a headache than it is worth. I know David Durr (AKA Mr. Clownfish) uses ozone on his rearing tanks, but he has 1000's of fish in his system. It would be almost impossible for him to do it without getting rid of some of those organics.


As for equipment, I have learned in life that you get what you pay for. If you get cheap-o equipment to start with, you will just spend more money later to do it the right way. It is far better to go slow and get the right equipment the first time, not try to skimp and scrape a shabby system together. This is coming from a teacher that has a fish-tank budget of only $100 per month (sometimes less). I have started a fairly good tank with what I have, but I have room to grow.



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Pictures are worth a lot more than a label.


As for equipment, I have learned in life that you get what you pay for. If you get cheap-o equipment to start with, you will just spend more money later to do it the right way. It is far better to go slow and get the right equipment the first time, not try to skimp and scrape a shabby system together. This is coming from a teacher that has a fish-tank budget of only $100 per month (sometimes less). I have started a fairly good tank with what I have, but I have room to grow.




That's why I build it myself as much as possible. So where are those pix's. DOH!

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I'll get picts up Wednesady when I'm off. It's crazy not to know after all I put into it back then .... after all it is the same stuff! I don't know why I feel like I'm starting all over.


I'm starting over, from scratch kind of.(nutty) Been out of it for about 2.5yrs and a lot have changed, come and gone. You're not alone.


I finished building my tank, the stand is finished except for the doors, working on two skimmers right now and will need to figure out which one to use. Next is working on building the sump. Then lights, ........

Might need a part time job to help with the full time job. DOH!

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Finally some pictures.... So here is the setup I'm working with but I'm wondering if I should change it out before I start stocking again? I'm so conflicted on the bioballs but yet no clue how (if I were to) convert them? Maybe I'm making this to hard?(scratch)



Also am I running enough flow? I'd love help identifying my tank again (whistle)





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Skimmer is just fine. You can do a mesh mod on it an get finer bubbles. The return pump looks to be either a pcx 30/ or 40. If it gets noisy you can have it rebuilt by PCI. They will put new bearings in it. for a fee of course. I cannot comment on the bio balls as I have never used them. It looks like a good area for live rock and/or macro. Powerhead an easy clean. soak in vinigar for half an hour then attack with tooth brush. I have a little concern with the lid to the skimmer being so close to the power strip if it where to go krazy you may be in electrical hell. SOOOOO you have installed GFI's correct!!!!!

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Your tank looks fine from what I can see, not sure why you are worried about bioballs. if thats a genx30 you might be at 700-800gph with the head loss a little light but more is always better, if you plan on upgrading the 40 is probably fine.

I havent seen the bioball discussion in years, they are still sold in new sumps or "trickle filters". from what I remember they are good for starting a new tank, they provide oxygenation and a place for benefitial bacteria to grow. with deep sand beds, skimmers, LR it was thought that the media was no longer needed and if not maintained would trap nitrates. Actually the same goes for sand beds, filter pads, filter sponges, etc if not kept clean they are probably worse. If I remember it was ok to rinse them in tank water (water change) and keep the chamber clean then they should be fine

I finally removed them when I wanted to build a bigger/ different chambered sump. It was reccomended to remove them a little at a time, slowly like anything else you do to your tank


Post some pics of the whole tank closer up so we csn see corals,rock,etc from what I can see it looks pretty good

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Skimmer is just fine. You can do a mesh mod on it an get finer bubbles. The return pump looks to be either a pcx 30/ or 40. If it gets noisy you can have it rebuilt by PCI. They will put new bearings in it. for a fee of course. I cannot comment on the bio balls as I have never used them. It looks like a good area for live rock and/or macro. Powerhead an easy clean. soak in vinigar for half an hour then attack with tooth brush. I have a little concern with the lid to the skimmer being so close to the power strip if it where to go krazy you may be in electrical hell. SOOOOO you have installed GFI's correct!!!!!


The power strip isn't actuall plugged in. While it was not in my control they did that and I re-did it after I got it back... but they put it on that wall with gorilla glue or something. So it isn't actually plugged into power. I used it to plug in the cords that don't need power and I need to remove from the system. It has some broken moon lights that are screwed in and stapled in but I've been to lazy to try and remove that stuff so instead of dead cords hanging I plugged them into a dead circuit.

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